Blank Grady Instrument Panel, 1993 time frame


Active Member
Mar 19, 2005
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We're repowering a 1993 246GT Explorer this winter. The instrument panel will obviously be replaced. The shop doing the repower suggests a piece of Starboard, but that appears to be the cheap and easy solution. Can anyone recommend a source for the raw material to make a new panel that is close to the Grady original? The other option would be a shop to apply the finish on a raw aluminum panel. Any suggestions?


New Wire Marine can make you a panel out of carbon fiber.....looks almost exactly like the newer GW panels.

Alternatively you could use black or seafoam starboard, or a piece of black acrylic. All, when done right, will look good.
Eric at new wire hooked me up with a new panel and switches for my 86 offshore

BobP said:
Is the original a fake wood grain surface? Like Walnut?

Yes, that's what I'm trying to match, but the carbon fiber would also work well.
FPmarine dot com can make a panel for you using fake woodgrain. I'm not sure how many different patterns they have available, though. They are also a marine salvage company so you might get lucky and find a used panel in good shape. If you're not picky about the exact size (possibly a bigger panel with more switches for future use?) you might even find more options. Don't forget to check panels that are listed under other manufacturers/brands, too. You might get lucky that way.
Figured you had fake (quasi teak) wood grain, since fake wood or fake wood grain came into existence when people became too lazy to have teak anymore, as the Gradys all had and other boats too. Nothing at all could ever match it when clean and oiled up. Nothing ever could beat mother nature at her best.
Decorativeplastic said:
I got my blank acrylic carbon fiber material from Decorative Plastic Sheets (dot-com).

they must have been good for you to adopt their name for your username like that.
suzukidave said:
Decorativeplastic said:
I got my blank acrylic carbon fiber material from Decorative Plastic Sheets (dot-com).

they must have been good for you to adopt their name for your username like that.

If I remember correctly, this guy tried this "tactic" on another website and it wasn't received well there, either. Of course, I've got no problems with someone promoting their business. But do it through the proper channels - not in an underhanded or sneaky way. That just turns me off and I would never buy anything from them. If this is the sales tactic this business uses, it makes you wonder what their customer service would be like.
Decorativeplastic said:
I got my blank acrylic carbon fiber material from Decorative Plastic Sheets (dot-com).

Employee discount, too?

To the op, you can still buy the teak laminate. It's made by Wilson Art.