Thanks and an Introduction to TGWC


GreatGrady Captain
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Fort Myers Beach, FL
First of all, I want to thank Seafarer222G for setting up this Forum, and Dr. Kleen for getting it started with the Chesapeake Bay Grady Club.

The Tidewater Grady White Club (TGWC) is just getting started. Our sponsoring dealer, Norfolk Marine, and Grady-White sent out a big mailing in November and we have responses from 57 boats, indicating interest in our club. A core of volunteers have been busy getting the basic organizational tasks completed, and our inaugural club event is an oyster roast in Virginia Beach on March 9th.

We plan to meet on the second Wednesday of each month, at various locations in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Still working on a 2008 events plan, but expect it will include fishing and boating activities, a cookout, and perhaps even a GW plant tour.

If you own a Grady and do your boating in the Lower Chesapeake Bay or adjacent waters, and are interested in joining the Tidewater Grady White Club, or just have some questions about us, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Heavy Duty said:
How-bout us folks down here in Northeastern, NC? I live near Coinjock, NC. But I work in Portsmouth, VA.
Heavy Duty

As "Average Joe' said, we'd be happy to have you join us. Go ahead and request membership in our TGWC Yahoo Group, and once I have your email I'll send you some info - and some questions.

Mark your calendar for March 9th, 4-7pm. Our inaugural event is an oyster roast at Chick's Oyster Bar in VaBch.

Thnaks guys.

I'll have to let my fishing partner in-crime know as well. He has a 20ft CC, retired CG working at the Advance Auto Parts store in Moyock. Nice guy.

CaptKennyW said:
is there a joining fee?

Annual dues have been set at $50. The membership is for the "boat", and includes everyone in the owner's immediate family.

If you are interested in joining our TGWC and our Yahoo Group, please PM me.

Hey Brian,
you guys did an outstanding job with the meeting the other Sunday. Thanks. Nice gathering of Grady owners. Maybe you can post some pics of members so we can get acquainted with faces.

I forgot my pass word into Yahoo. So I had to re-register with a new password and such then request permission to re-join the group. Could you grant permission for me to re-join.

Thanks again for such a great time. Looking forward to hanging out with the Grady-bunch.


AKA...Heavy Duty
Heavy Duty said:
Hey Brian,
you guys did an outstanding job with the meeting the other Sunday. Thanks. Nice gathering of Grady owners. Maybe you can post some pics of members so we can get acquainted with faces.

I forgot my pass word into Yahoo. So I had to re-register with a new password and such then request permission to re-join the group. Could you grant permission for me to re-join.

Thanks again for such a great time. Looking forward to hanging out with the Grady-bunch.


AKA...Heavy Duty

Hi Len,

Thanks for the kind words. It was a fine gathering, and there are a lot of photos posted on the TGWC Yahoo Group.

I didn't receive a request for you to join. Are you sure you initiated it? Please try again.
