Grey56's latest activity

  • Grey56
    Grey56 replied to the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop.
    This is all good context & damn good advice: many, many thanks. Will take some pictures regardless as to what I end up doing!
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to Hookup1's post in the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop with Like Like.
    I own a self storage facility in Cape May area. Even though I have 200 units I don't even have single garage for my truck! All work was...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to SkunkBoat's post in the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop with Like Like.
    I would not have been able to do it without a garage to keep it in between working on it and when drying paint. The paint took forever...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 replied to the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop.
    @Fishtales - thank you for the input: glad I wasn't crazy for wanting to be sure! PS: I tried the 30 Second cleaner - and you weren't...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to Fishtales's post in the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop with Like Like.
    Shouldn't need much protective gear if you are careful. I used gloves and safety glasses and covered sleeves and legs, no equipment...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to SkunkBoat's post in the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop with Like Like.
    Read through this
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to SkunkBoat's post in the thread Hardtop paint-265Express with Like Like.
    some things I learned; 1- Have more than two guys if you are going to manhandle a hardtop...OMG! 2- The electronics box has to come off...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to SkunkBoat's post in the thread Hardtop paint-265Express with Like Like.
    yep the Sea Foam is way too dark and I don't want to mix. Want easy touch up in future. YOU WOULD THINK that in the 21st century...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to DennisG01's post in the thread Hardtop paint-265Express with Like Like.
    I thought I had a better picture of the boat, but this is the only one. My 17-yr old son chose Seafoam green for the skiff - told him...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to Fishtales's post in the thread Hardtop paint-265Express with Like Like.
    I like the idea of a 2nd color underside. On the top, really doesn't matter as it has a light texture and nobody can really see it...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 replied to the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop.
    Some people pay a lot of money to get that punk rock. Appreciate the tip!
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to Hookup1's post in the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop with Like Like.
    I'm not sure what you are talking about. After this I started wearing a sock. Painting was messy. Glass work wasn't too bad.
  • Grey56
    Grey56 replied to the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop.
    One other question I meant to ask: did you wear a bunny suit while doing any of it? Did some work on fiberglass boats & installed...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 replied to the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop.
    @seasick Sorry it took me all week to come back & reply: life of the weekend warrior. That said: going to try the 30 Second Cleaner...
  • Grey56
    Grey56 reacted to Fishtales's post in the thread Fiberglass Repair to Hardtop with Like Like.
    Stepped away for a min... Once clean, if you want to paint it, there are the standard marine paints you can use. I'm going to recommend...