Rhodan on a GW Marlin


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Reaction score
Beaufort NC
In the market for a used 30’ Marlin and have been wondering if anyone has successfully rigged a trolling motor on a marlin for the anchor lock feature to bottom fish? If so interested in any info & photos.
I have seen some mounted on the swim platform of a couple Parker's in my area. It's actually a pretty good spot because you fish in the stern and will be on the actual spot. This would only be for a spot lock setup.
I have a GW 275 and have 84" Rhodan. It holds well with under 2' wave hight or higher hights with long durations. Not sure what your bow to waterline hight is but you may want to wait for the 96" verson.
I spoke with Mary at Rhodan she shared a few ideas on how some customers have mounted by the bow pulpit. The hinging SS rail is cleaver. Agree the 96" shaft would work best just not sure where the long arm will go in the stowed position. Wait time is almost a year for the 96"er


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Even if using a 96", how many batteries and where to put them? My 25 Grady has a lot of windage. I can't imagine a trolling motor holding position, but maybe it can! Would be nice for sure.
In the pic above, seems the trolling motor would just remain vertical and just raise/lower it and never retract it laying down due to the rail in the way?
I had a 84" Rhodan on my GW 275 and it would hold with seas at ~2" and under. I just upgraded to a 96" and fished the GOM last weekend it held it 3' seas and some pretty strong current. Fished ~6 hours Friday and Saturday on the trolling motor. I use a Stealth Charger that charges my trolling motor batteries while under power. So I could be getting longer run times from charging between spots.

I will be listing my 84" Rhodan shortly if anyone is interested in it.
Is this a 36V or 24V system you are running? I was looking at the Rhodan's and didn't find a 96" offered?
I wonder if no stealth installed, would these batteries last several hours on one day offshore? I would think so. I had a 20' bowrider boat I converted to fishing which was heavier than a bass boat and used a Minn Kota 24V with 2 Group 31 Deep Cycles and could use it for 2 days on the lake, in some wind. I also tested it in case my motor died, and had to use the trolling motor to get back to the dock, several miles away and it would do it at a pretty good clip. I forget what size trolling motor I had, but think it was in the neighborhood of 30ish pounds thrust.
Is this a 36V or 24V system you are running? I was looking at the Rhodan's and didn't find a 96" offered?
I wonder if no stealth installed, would these batteries last several hours on one day offshore? I would think so. I had a 20' bowrider boat I converted to fishing which was heavier than a bass boat and used a Minn Kota 24V with 2 Group 31 Deep Cycles and could use it for 2 days on the lake, in some wind. I also tested it in case my motor died, and had to use the trolling motor to get back to the dock, several miles away and it would do it at a pretty good clip. I forget what size trolling motor I had, but think it was in the neighborhood of 30ish pounds thrust.

Both the 84" and 96" are 36v. I read on other forums they have a 3-4 month wait list for the 96" and that could be the reason it is not lsted on their website.
Thought I would follow up on this old thread I started and share my TMsetup. After waiting a year for a 36v Minn Kota Terrova 87” shaft trolling motor and looking at various angles and options including the Shuttle Slide I went this route. In the vertical position the MK shaft has to extend 1.5" beyond the rub rail so the RTA-54 quick release puck's bolts would not catch any fiberglass on the gunnel or the bow pulpit which is where I decided to put it.
I wanted to use existing holes on the anchor guide so it made sense to machine my own 3/4"x8"x16" AL extension plate and route out the underside so it would lay flat on the pulpit. Had it powder coated and looks clean and the anchor/windlass still functions. The puck bolts to tapped holes in the plate with 14-20 machine screws cut flush with the bottom.

I did not know how well it would perform given the Marlin gets pushed around by wind and first sea trial last week in 15-20 mph winds 2-3' seas and was amazed at how well spot lock held us within casting distance of a rock jetty. Prop never came out of the water. Ran it for a solid 3 hours with prop speed ranging from 4-8 and used 50% of a Amped Outdoors 36v 60Ah LifeP04 deep cycle battery mounted under forward vee birth.

One word of caution with it that windy be careful docking and/or getting back on the lift ended up costing me $50 for a new prop

Hot out of powder coat oven

Notched the plate to allow more clearance for anchor & chain but prob didn't need to.

IMG_0163D 2.jpeg
Ran the power through the locker to the Battery used Anderson connectors cheaper, out of the weather and more reliable that other products

Two connectors on battery one for the charger which is mounted to the wall on the galley side seat compartment

TM Head clears bow rail when deployed

Not the most ideal location for the support arm but everything is removable when not in use
Did you not need to modify your bow rail?
Thought I had to and bought the 1” hinge/clasp which are now for sale on the wanted/sale forum. The Marlin rail extends forward enough of the pulpit to let it clear sideways during deployment.
We troll with gas kicker motors around here. No one has an electric motor. School me on a Rodan. The spot lock feature is all I would want it for I suppose. Bottom fish season is only 6 weeks. Otherwise, we troll for 8 hours in heavy current. Doubt it could do that without a fortune spent on batteries.

I already have a hinging bow rail for my ladder. Is Rodan better than Minkota? What's the minimum spend I'd need for an electric that can spot lock for bottom fishing? 24v enough for a 22' boat?

All I know on THT, all I read is the problems with the Rhodan TM's. Seems like a lot of issues with them. I would likely go with a Minnkota myself. Terrova equivalent on the saltwater side. The auto deploy and retract have issues with the stow/deploy motors and if they fail no way to deploy or stow. They are stuck in whatever position they fail in. My terrova is going strong on my bass boat even with occasional saltwater use. Spot lock is amazing btw...
Goose here on Greatgrady had that done several years back on his Marlin 300. Same boat as mine. I asked him about performance and he stated it was ok up to about 2ft seas and low wind. I opted not to do it. My other friend bought 2 Rhodans so he could have one while the other was in the shop for a repair.
In the market for a used 30’ Marlin and have been wondering if anyone has successfully rigged a trolling motor on a marlin for the anchor lock feature to bottom fish? If so interested in any info & photos.
I have a 2014 307 Freedom dual console and mounted a 96 inch Rhodan last year, using max lithium Batts. Amazing it will keep me spot on in wind , current and waves. Rhodan runs continuously unlike Minkota . Make sure you get a knowledgeable installer, needs to be out over front with plenty of plate strength to handle . 96 in shaft will flex under pressure do you don’t want it hitting bow or anchor.
I have a 2014 307 Freedom dual console and mounted a 96 inch Rhodan last year, using max lithium Batts. Amazing it will keep me spot on in wind , current and waves. Rhodan runs continuously unlike Minkota . Make sure you get a knowledgeable installer, needs to be out over front with plenty of plate strength to handle . 96 in shaft will flex under pressure do you don’t want it hitting bow or anchor.
Hey Reeling ended up rigging the Marlin I bought in 2019 this way works great.
see end of thread
Thought I would follow up on this old thread I started and share my TMsetup. After waiting a year for a 36v Minn Kota Terrova 87” shaft trolling motor and looking at various angles and options including the Shuttle Slide I went this route. In the vertical position the MK shaft has to extend 1.5" beyond the rub rail so the RTA-54 quick release puck's bolts would not catch any fiberglass on the gunnel or the bow pulpit which is where I decided to put it.
I wanted to use existing holes on the anchor guide so it made sense to machine my own 3/4"x8"x16" AL extension plate and route out the underside so it would lay flat on the pulpit. Had it powder coated and looks clean and the anchor/windlass still functions. The puck bolts to tapped holes in the plate with 14-20 machine screws cut flush with the bottom.

I did not know how well it would perform given the Marlin gets pushed around by wind and first sea trial last week in 15-20 mph winds 2-3' seas and was amazed at how well spot lock held us within casting distance of a rock jetty. Prop never came out of the water. Ran it for a solid 3 hours with prop speed ranging from 4-8 and used 50% of a Amped Outdoors 36v 60Ah LifeP04 deep cycle battery mounted under forward vee birth.

One word of caution with it that windy be careful docking and/or getting back on the lift ended up costing me $50 for a new prop

View attachment 25473
Hot out of powder coat oven

View attachment 25477
Notched the plate to allow more clearance for anchor & chain but prob didn't need to.

View attachment 25479
Ran the power through the locker to the Battery used Anderson connectors cheaper, out of the weather and more reliable that other products

View attachment 25478
Two connectors on battery one for the charger which is mounted to the wall on the galley side seat compartment

View attachment 25480
TM Head clears bow rail when deployed

View attachment 25481
Not the most ideal location for the support arm but everything is removable when not in use
@Aquanut2 Where did you find the SS Hawse for the anchor pass through? Thanks in advance, Joe