Grady 275 Freedom rolling issue


Jan 18, 2024
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Freedom 275
I recently purchased a 2021 Grady White Freedom 275 and have been disappointed with the boat. The boat is equipped with Bennett hydraulic trim tabs, and I have experienced rolling \ listing and find it difficult and annoying to level the boat while driving at speed. I have never used hydraulic trim tabs before, and they are sluggish, and the boat frequently needs adjustment to run level. I find myself pressing the button for a second or two to find the level and then pressing again after it goes too far the other way.

For background I have owned several single engine boats (17’ Whaler, 21’ Grady, 24’ Scout) over the past 30 years all with Lenco electric trim tabs with no issues.

I am concerned that the boat at 27’ is too long for an 8’6” beam and is the reason for the rolling. I have read a few complaints about this online on this model. I am trying to figure our if I am doing something wrong or if this is fixable. I am waiting to do a sea trial with a Grady dealer to see if this is normal for this boat.

So far, I see the following options:

  • Convert the Bennett hydraulic trim tabs to electric for under $1K to improve speed to level the boat.
  • Convert to Bennett self-leveling tabs for a few thousand. I have heard negative feedback about this from my mechanic.
  • Install the Seakeeper Ride automatic tabs. They seem interesting but would require the boat’s trim tab pockets to be removed and would cost ~$15K.
I would be interested to hear if anyone else with a Grady Freedom 275 has a similar issue and how you resolved it.
I can't answer your questions that are specific to the hull, but can talk about the tabs.

Bennett hydraulic tabs are amazingly reliable and often last decades without thinking about them.

If you hold the button till the boat "feels right", you've held it too long. I find them quite easy to use - I think you just need more practice.

Bennett used to have an auto tab system that was a plug-n-play - I remember it being maybe $300 or $400 - do they not have that, anymore?

Have you tried playing with the engine trim to adjust how much boat is in the water (or not) to counter the rolling?
I agree with Dennis. You probably are pressing the tab button until you see a change. That will result in too much trim. When adding trim/tab press the switch for 2 seconds and then wait for 10 to 15 seconds or so to see how that worked out.
As dennis also mentioned, experiment with the motor trim. When experimenting with motor trim, start with no trim tab deployment and fight the urge to add it. You want to learn how to trim the boat whiteout using the trim tabs.
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Put the tabs up so they don't do anything. Ride around a whole day without touching them. Use motor trim to get out of the hole.
You may find you don't need tabs.
If you list because everyone is on one side of the boat, tell them to move.

Having motors too deep (trimmed down) will cause a list.

If you find you are running in flat calm in a straight line and listing, then you can touch the tab. Less is more.
Remember that if there is any swell, as soon as you turn, your tabs are set wrong. You probably don't remember where they are set, so you are screwed trying to fix it.

Less is more.
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The trim tab push buttons have LED‘s that indicate the position of each tab. Instead of holding a button down until seeing a change in the attitude of the boat, bump the button a few times and confirm the tab moved a LED or two. Pause to see the effect on running attitude, then bump again if necessary.
Most of the time I’m using tabs is to offset passenger weights, both side to side and bow to stern, but that’s after reaching desired hull trim with motor angle.
The trim tab push buttons have LED‘s that indicate the position of each tab. Instead of holding a button down until seeing a change in the attitude of the boat, bump the button a few times and confirm the tab moved a LED or two. Pause to see the effect on running attitude, then bump again if necessary.
Most of the time I’m using tabs is to offset passenger weights, both side to side and bow to stern, but that’s after reaching desired hull trim with motor angle.
Oh, I forget the new tabs have LEDs. That makes it a little better. At least you are not completely lost. Mine don't have indicators. I pulled the fuse and never use tabs and don't miss them one bit.
The 275 and 270 use what is or what is nearly the same hull. There have been a number of complaints about the 270 hull doing things like you have mentioned and worse. Here are my $0.02 from 2.5 years of experience:
  • The hull is a bit fickle. If it isn't loaded or trimmed right, you will experience it's quirks.
  • Fuel load and engine weight make a difference. The more of both you have, the less sensitive it becomes.
  • Engine trim needs to be correct before you add tabs. Some say to never use tabs on a 270. I say you need to get to know your boat better. I successfully use tabs often, but if the engines aren't trimmed right (engine tucked in too far), the boat will actually pivot and not roll to level. This gets worse with a light load.

  • I definitely wouldn't throw $ at the problem. As others have mentioned tab use should be made in short intervals, then wait a few seconds to see how the boat reacts.
its not a length to beam issue as there are plenty of boats that length and longer with the same beam that dont have issues.

like others said, the boat keeps adjusting to the tab after you let go of the button. just tap it and wait. tap again and wait. if you are still unhappy with how they perform, than both the electric conversion or seakeeper ride are good options, obviously with ride being the best, but also supper $$$.
The only time you really need the tabs is if you're running with a cross-wind - otherwise level the boat by weight distribution. As others mentioned, tap the button for a second or so and wait to see the effect - if you press it for 5 secs the tab is going to be all the way down and your boat will list wildly.
There is an upgrade for the trim tabs to make them automatic. Might want to look into this. Narrow beam, people moving around, motion of the ocean all contribute to your issue.
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Thanks everyone, this is extremely helpful.

I understand and agree with everyone's comments about waiting for the tabs to adjust. However, the boat just seems to need frequent adjustment even when I give it more throttle. I guess after so many years with electric tabs I am just set in my ways and impatient.

I tried to trim the engines and not use the tabs much and it did help.

I am waiting for a sea trial on a boat with SeaKeeper ride just to see if they would help.
why does it need frequent adjustment? are you constantly changing course? do you have people always moving around?

No and No. As I change speed it begins to list \ roll and for it to run even, it requires. I tried using minimal trim and it did help. Trimming the engine up does also help.

No other boat I have owed has needed to be trimmed as frequently and the Bennet tabs are just so slow.
A few thoughts from a guy that hated the tabs and now loves them.

First, what size tabs? My 228 came with 9x12 and those are sized for a 12 foot boat. I put in 12x18 and it is a *HUGE* difference. Make sure you have tabs that are sized for your boat. For 9 inch deep tabs, Bennett says an inch of width for each foot of hull length. It's the surface area that matters so adjust accordingly (I couldn't put in 9x22, didn't have the space, but 12x18 was the surface area I needed).

Second, I get that these are new tabs to you. I'm gonna echo the other people and say don't change anything for a while, get used to the tabs.
When I started using mine, I have the tiny red indicators but I'm red color blind. People told me it didn't matter, just use them and you'll develop a feel. They were right. You have to hold them in for longer than maybe a 1/4 or 1/2 of second for them to do anything, but just do that and then see what they do, give the boat some time to respond. Lather, rinse, repeat. I love my tabs.

Third, all of my advice might be useless because I don't have the listing problem you have, I use the tabs to push the bow down and cut through our Pacific slop. So maybe I'm helpful but maybe not. Good luck.
I am not sure of the size, as they are standard equipment from Grady. They are installed in pockets that are in front of the engines. All of my other boats have had the tabs mounted to the transom.

I have been waiting, but the tabs are slow and this model boat seems very rolly.
I have a 2012 Freedom 255..basically the same as the 275.Only use in the ocean. I honestly only use the starboard rocker switch which is of course the port tab. I never use the port switch...mainly because the boat levels with just the starboard switch. Sounds you are fiddling with the tabs too much.
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and I have experienced rolling \ listing and find it difficult and annoying to level the boat while driving at speed.
Can you explain that better?
As far i understand, your Freedom 275 is "rolling" and/or listing while at planing speed or above?
Do this happen when people walking around or also just with you on the captains seat?

If the wight distribution is odd then most monohulls list and this can be corrected with the trim tabs or the engine trim,
however trim tabs work better for that purpose.
I mostly used the trim tabs to keep my boats at the correct level for the given sea state and mostly not deployed and using engine trim for that purpose,
but i keep my boats perfectly balanced.

Bennet hydraulic trim tabs are probably a bit slower than trim tabs with electrical pistons, but even for my charter work with very different load and people walking around i did not had to constantly adjust them.
The problem with people walking around at speed it certainly there and my solution ist to tell them politely to sit down and stay put there, 99% for their own safety.

If you want a really fast system maybe with autocontrol the you need Interceptors, either ZipWake or SeaKeeper Ride, but they coma at a steep price and you will probably need to glass close the trim tab pockets what will add additional $$$ on the bill.

I personally am not at all a fan of automatic systems who may fight against each other and can led to dangerous situations when autopilot steer a curve and auto trim tab try to level the boat, particularly at high speed.

You may take a GW experienced friend or captain for a day to analyze your "problem", may fix it and teach you how ti use the trim tabs the correct way.



When people are walking, the boat leans \ rolls. It also leans with no one moving based on the water conditions. I had a local Grady dealer take a ride and he said there is nothing wrong, it's just how this hull reacts with a deep vee and narrow beam. This combined with slow hydraulic tabs makes for a poor driving experience.

I have tried just using one tab switch and it does help.

I am going for a ride on a boat equipped with the Seakeeper ride system to see if it's worth $14K.

Thanks for everyone's input!
The SeaV 2 hull seems to run better when you use tabs. My 228 has a general list because both batteries are on the port side in the stern. I give a little port tab to lift it.

The Bennet tabs may be slow but they don't take much, just a bump here or there. I have the indicators with the LED but is constantly having to be reset. I drive the boat by feel now. It is subtle adjustments with just bumps not holding down.