Recent content by Express 360 Finally

  1. Express 360 Finally

    Mold cleaner recommendations for caulking

    Tilex mold and mildew spray is the same as this product and less costly. Most of the marine cleaners on the market are re-packaged household cleaners that come with a premium price tag because the label says “marine”. Spray on the tilex, wet a paper towel with water and tilex, lay the paper...
  2. Express 360 Finally

    360 express aft fish box removed

    hi - I am planning on removing the aft fish box on my Grady 360 express to replace hoses . Removing the box will make access easier since the generator is in the way. The pics you posted are helpful - I was wondering if you remember how heavy the box was and how easy/difficult it was to...
  3. Express 360 Finally

    GW 360 - Windscreen water nozzles

    I didn’t pay $90 for it. Bought mine last spring and it was $36 - still expensive but OEM. The seller may only have a few left. And Grady doesn’t use that style anymore.
  4. Express 360 Finally

    GW 360 - Windscreen water nozzles

    I found one to replace my broken nozzle on eBay..GRADY WHITE BULKHEAD MOUNT WASHING JET - SPRAYER - SS STEM 3/8"-19MM #11-626. found it on Rusty Ron’s Marine Surplus eBay site. Here is the link to the part i purchased. Hopefully this is what you’re...
  5. Express 360 Finally

    Cockpit Rocket Launchers on Express 330

    I have that on my 360 express. It’s great but it does take away space in the cockpit and does get in the way with multiple hook ups. . I have an aluminum plate fastened to the deck so I can remove the post when we’re out for a cruise or inshore bottom fishing.
  6. Express 360 Finally

    Starboard Cockpit Replacement Drain question for my 2006 360 Express.

    Is the pryout on the outside hinge side of the door? My door swings out with the hinges on the starboard side.
  7. Express 360 Finally

    upgraded the 240 explorer to the 2006 360 Express

    upgraded the 240 explorer to the 2006 360 Express
  8. Express 360 Finally

    Starboard Cockpit Replacement Drain question for my 2006 360 Express.

    I have to replace the starboard cockpit drains (2 drains) just inside the starboard transom door. I can’t access the drains under the deck through the generator compartment because the Grady designers boxed in that section to mount the generator exhaust muffler. Accessing and replacing the...