Recent content by Flot

  1. F

    Cushions for rigging station 330 xpress

    It probably won't matter for your needs, but you may want to double check your mount points - the older 330s had more of a rounded profile on both sides, whereas on the newer ones I think they flattened it out a bit for the fridge and grill options.
  2. F

    Cushions for rigging station 330 xpress has a couple of footrest options...
  3. F

    Panda out solar in?

    You won't be able to replace the generator "with solar." You can definitely replace the generator with a bank of lithium batteries and an inverter - where you'll be looking at anywhere from $3k-10k depending on how much capacity you want. And once you do that, yes, the 330 does have enough...
  4. F

    Air Horn

    If you have air horns, they are not factory. If you have the two "canister" horns side by side on the starboard side beneath the windshield, they are 12v horns. I just replaced mine with Ongaro Twin Horns and am happy with the output. You should have a few inches of wire to work with when you...
  5. F

    330 Express Speaker Replacement

    Jigsaw, rotozip, or oscillating saw are the tools for this job. Definitely mask the area well with painters tape. Rotozip is the least invasive but also pretty hard to control. Oscillating saw is easy to control but makes a ton of dust and your cut won't be super circular. Any of the above...
  6. F

    2004 33 Grady White Express Microwave

    As above, Walmart has a replacement that is pretty close, or if you want stainless - Williams Sonoma for a hundred bucks. Here's my thread on it from a few years back: Spoiler alert - I never did replace the cracked...
  7. F

    330 Express: Rod Storage INSIDE cabin?

    Appreciate all the replies. I do have those taco holders on the starboard side of my cabin headliner, but am reluctant to put a set on the port side because then I'll be poking myself in the face with rods every time I stand near the fridge. Despite sleeping on the boat exactly once, I like to...
  8. F

    Parts Vu?

    I read the THT thread and the BBB complaints and they both look pretty minor, you can't fault the vendor for parts delays in 2021-2022, but hey maybe they do suck at returns. I think everyone posting positive things here is just reiterating that generally they are a legitimate business. I've...
  9. F

    330 Express: Rod Storage INSIDE cabin?

    The other thread got me thinking. I have 4 rod holders mounted in the headliner of the cabin, and typically leave another 4 regularly used rods lying on the bed for storage. However, most of my setups are 6' in length, so there is technically room for them standing inside the cabin. Has...
  10. F

    Cockpit Rocket Launchers on Express 330

    I have F300s, so for me there was no problem putting a 5 rod holder across the back and I troll from the center holder between the motors. (I cannot, however, tilt my motors up with rods in them or they would hit the reels) However, you still have plenty of room for 3 or even 5 rod holders -...
  11. F

    Offshore readiness

    It really depends on the boat and how far offshore you're going. As above, in a 330 you can pretty much take an entire toolbox and everything you need for most repairs and not miss the space one bit. (hell I keep a shop vac in my cabin just to save me trips inside the house when I'm doing...
  12. F

    Grady 330, f300 outboards best mount height and propeller type and size

    I'm on my second set of F300s on my 2001 330. When I bought the boat used, the props were Quicksilver Thunderbolt 15.5x17p. Cruise low 30s, WOT 42-44, generally 1.0-1.2 mpg on plane. When I repowered, I kept those props for a bit and then moved to a set of Powertech L3 15 3/4 x 15. Boat...
  13. F

    Rusting helm A/C? Webasto FCF unit spitting rust at me.

    When I took everything apart, mine clearly had 2" of water sitting in the blower assembly for some time. I suspect the very first time was after a hurricane we had where I took off the eisenglass - outside of that, it oculd have been my detailer one year, could have been some other mishap, who...
  14. F

    Rusting helm A/C? Webasto FCF unit spitting rust at me.

    I was able to remove the unit entirely and disassemble. Yes, the blower is basically attached to the evaporator (just like it is in your home AC unit), but I can see how the little bit of condensate water wouldn't really matter. As far as I can see the problem is that when I wash the boat...
  15. F

    Rusting helm A/C? Webasto FCF unit spitting rust at me.

    A few years back I retrofitted a Webasto FCF platinum A/C unit to provide helm air on my 330. I effectively installed this exactly the way Grady does, with the unit and intake under a seat, and used the oem grady panel for air outlet that blows across the cabin doorway at the helm. It would be...