Recent content by glacierbaze

  1. G

    Google Ads

    The big blue "Click Here to Continue" box locks up my computer, and directs me to call Apple support to unlock. Only a shutdown and a re-start clears it, so I predict that things like that, along with the ads, will be the death of this site, at least as far as new recruitment is concerned.
  2. G

    Zipper stuck on overhead storage compartment

    As for a lot of things, exercise is the best medicine.
  3. G

    8 original hours on 2008 GW and Yamaha 200 questions

    If the owner was like most of us, those 8 hours would have happened in the first 2 days. Unless a read-out tells you differently, the boat has likely sat for about 16 years. I would still be interested.
  4. G

    Seat Bracket

    It may be, but I can’t see where it is actually broken. The plastic bushing is definitely worn out, and the bracket has been tightened to the max to compensate. Would a new plastic bushing solve your problem?
  5. G

    Hard Top Wanted

    You might also want to add your location to your profile. It always helps when you’re looking to buy or sell something.
  6. G

    2008 305 Express for sale

    Ignore any solicitations from Pop Yachts.
  7. G

    Bow Roller for a 1992 Seafarer 22

    I'll stick with my suggestion from your pulpit thread.
  8. G

    Bow Anchor control switches

    It says "Lewmar" right on your switch...
  9. G

    Upholstery Replacement

    Jim's are a very nice example of a bolster that requires no sewing, with the neatly folded and tapered ends.
  10. G


    Link no longer valid.
  11. G

    Lowrance HDS 10

    Shower cap lol
  12. G

    275 Help: Dual Console Door Windscreen

    If so, he certainly didn't document it here, as promised. Only 3 posts, none since '21.
  13. G

    Yamaha wire bundle won’t go in rigging tube

    That sort of what I was thinking, except maybe tie the battery bundle in behind the new plug, and pull both at the same time. Cut a small hole in an old sock, run your pull cord through it, put the sock over the end of the bundle, soak it with lube and pull it through.