Recent content by Halfhitch

  1. H

    Grady hard top for walk-around

    I saw this on my local Craigslist. I know nothing about it. I just thought someone may be looking.
  2. H

    Seakeeper Ride

    When I want to stand on something level and constant, I go stand on a sidewalk. ........just kidding guys. It's a spendy little add on but cool technology. It might cut down on the looks from the Admiral.
  3. H

    Wiring in GW 235 - neat or tangled?

    No doubt the neatness of the hidden wiring varies as the factory production managers are changed and the production pressure on the final prep crew increases seasonally. I appreciate neatness in the under-helm wiring but actually as long as there is no excess weight on connections and no loose...
  4. H

    Label Maker

    This is the one I bought after going through a couple of cheapies. It works great and will make several different styles. Easy to get the hang of and not too expensive.
  5. H

    Grady hinges

  6. H

    1994 228G broken engine mount bolts in alum

    Put an oversized deep socket over the remaining head of the bolt or the remaining nut. The socket just needs to be a little deeper than the projection of the stuck piece. Then cut off the head of a grade 8 bolt 1/16" smaller diameter than the broken bolt. Leave about 1/2 inch of the shank below...
  7. H

    Both battery bay hatches just fwd of transom have a steel rod with ball on both sides - what do they do?

    Another style.....
  8. H

    Both battery bay hatches just fwd of transom have a steel rod with ball on both sides - what do they do?

    Yes, those are the Seacock actuators. Chinookie, if you are not familiar with the bilge in your boat you need to lift the livewell out so you can get down in there to make everything right before to get a surprise you're not ready for when offshore. Just remove the lid to the livewell, remove...
  9. H

    Grady White 330 express- metal transom bracket rot

    Remove the garboard drain and do like seasick said , using a thin screwdriver to push in at an angle as far as you can. Drill 1/4 inch holes all around the area covered by the engine brackets and use a thin tool like an icepick at an angle to check for mush. If work is not performed, a little...
  10. H

    Non Grady member, guilt?

    I did the same thing as Glacierbaze for some of the same reasons, except I got a Glacier Bay 2240 Renegade. I'm still here. I can't stop clicking on GG.
  11. H

    The search for my next boat.

    Whenever you get your camera fixed, show us a picture.:D
  12. H

    Non Grady member, guilt?

    We need a new thread for that!
  13. H

    Non Grady member, guilt?

    The Great Grady members are part of the hole in the water club whether they like it or not. It's a whirlpool no one can escape from. You are in it for the count. There will be no release from your duties here. The name tag on your particular piece of fiberglass does not give you license to...
  14. H

    Pompanette Arm Rests

    I sold the boat and let them go with it.
  15. H

    passenger seat install

    I agree with that. Anytime you can get good purchase with screws, that's the best to avoid the toggle thing.