Recent content by Marcus

  1. M

    DIY SOS: Fuel Filler & Vent Hose Replacement on 2006 Sailfish 282 – HELP NEEDED!

    Hi Deepsix, I don’t have a Sailfish 282 but I do have a sweet ‘84 Sailfish 255 and I just replaced all my fuel lines (tank fill, vent hoses, 2x tank to outboard fuel supply and all filters in between) on my own and it certainly wasn’t fun but it also wasn’t that hard. I recommend doing it all...
  2. M

    265 Express overhead Rod holder

    Hi SS, On my 1984 Sailfish 255, there’s the aluminum pipe super structure supporting the hard top. I bought some individual , stainless rod holders and clamped them to the rear, top horizontal bar. See attached pics. This allowed me to try different configurations. Quantity, location and even...
  3. M

    Sailfish 255 Hatch Windows

    Hi, I have a 1984 Sailfish 255 with hatch windows between the interior and the back deck. Port side interior is a coffin bunk and Stb. is storage, accessed via head. See pics. Does anyone have experience removing these? It looks like the body of the unit fits from the interior and a frame is...
  4. M

    Sailfish Stb. Through Hulls

    Well, there were a couple of factors involved in my partial sinking (lowering); a massive rainfall, cheap ass wiring on the forward bilge pump….but mainly it was personal negligence. She didn’t take on enough water to submerge and major wiring or batts. Mainly just damaged my pride. Ive since...
  5. M

    Sailfish Stb. Through Hulls

    Thanks! The day before I hauled her there was a storm and she sank a bit. (See attached photo looking into the cabin with a foot of water inside.) At the same time there was an oil slick from a commercial boat near me. The high water mark is petroleum scum.
  6. M

    Sailfish Stb. Through Hulls

    Hi, ‘84 Sailfish 255 here. I’m looking to identify some of my through hull fittings. Please see the attached pics. The first is the Stb bow hull. One of the ports is from my galley sink. Does anyone know what the other port is? Anchor locker drain? Secondly, the photo with the two fuel vents...
  7. M

    Cutting open anchor locker access?

    Thank you for your responses. I’ll check the elevations, if I do go ahead with the cutting. Also, what should I cut it with? It’s thin fibreglass. I have a good jig saw (and drills) is there a glass specific blade I can buy?
  8. M

    Cutting open anchor locker access?

    Hi all, I have an ‘84 Sailfish 255 and I want better access to the anchor locker. Im considering cutting the bulkhead wall below the existing access hole. See pics. I would likely expand the existing access hole downwards to the horizontal floor. Has anyone done this? Thanks.
  9. M

    ‘84 Sailfish 255 Fuel Tank Fill and Vent Size

    Wow. I didn’t see that! I even saw the vent pipe spec. but not the fill pipe one. thanks.
  10. M

    ‘84 Sailfish 255 Fuel Tank Fill and Vent Size

    Hi all, Can anyone tell me the outside diameter of the welded, fuel fill pipe coming out of the top of the tank on a 1984 sailfish? See attached picture. Thank you.
  11. M

    sail fish 25 electrical schematic

    Hi, I got the original drawings from GW for my ‘84 Sailfish 25. While it was cool be able to access archives, the elec. dwgs and other tech specs, were rudimentary to start with and didn’t convert to digital well. I’m not hating, I love working on her wiring, but so much of the electrical system...
  12. M

    Replacing Compartment Doors.

    Those are good looking hatches. Thank you for sharing the pics. I’ve never been to boat before. Those guys seem to love boat hatches. There’s some good info on their site. I have a bit of a rookie question. Is Starboard/King Starboard material just HDPE polymer material? I’ve...