Recent content by readafore

  1. R

    Replacing helm cushions - 330 Express

    Just saw your archived post. I have these brand new from my 2005 330 Express. Any interest?
  2. R

    S Jersey owners tournament

    i would be interested. Dock at Golden nugget....
  3. R

    1999 209 Escape Seat cushions

    just had 7 cushions made for my '96 209, and it costs me $700 in Jersey. Gave him the old ones for templates.
  4. R

    Have optional cusions for Grady 330 express.

    Actually, I had all of my cushions in place on mine when I first got it, and could never really figure out where these 4 extra ones went. so, I kept them at the house and never used them. I think Grady must have offered optional seating on the earlier 330's and they included these without...
  5. R

    Have optional cusions for Grady 330 express.

    I have a set of 4 optional cushions that came new with my 2006 Grady 330 express that have never been used. I no longer have my 330, downsized to a 209 Escape... see pic. Any interest?
  6. R

    Escape 209 Cushions Thanks Steve
  7. R

    Escape 209 Cushions

    Thanks a lot. Look forward to hearing from you. Steve
  8. R

    Escape 209 Cushions

    My son lives in Baltimore and I am there often. If you still have cushions I would like to come by and see them or if you have pix and price and which ones available. IAm from south jersey. Thnks
  9. R

    Escape 209 Cushions

    do you still have the 209 escape cushions available?
  10. R

    My 33'Grady Express
  11. R

    Yamaha 250 four stroke trip and speed gauge not working

    Just ran my 33' Grady offshore for the first time this season and ran great except that the yamaha gauge which shows speed and trip just displayed dashes with no info. Other 3 gauges read well. I have twin 250 four strikes 2005. Any ideas where to start trouble shooting? I have 2 hull mounted...
  12. R

    330 Express water heater location and access

    Do you know where the water heater is located on a 330 Express and how do you access it for drainage and winterization? Thanks
  13. R

    Water heat location and access on 330 Express

    Do you know where the water heater is located on a 330 Express and how do you access it for drainage and winterization? Thanks
  14. R

    Winterizing 330 express in water

    I am keeping my 330 express in the water through the winter. Wondering what needs to be done to salt water washdown system to winterize. I am emptying fresh water tanks and flushing with RV antifreeze and pumping out head and running a gallon of antifreeze through the toilet. I have someone...