Recent content by wahoo33417

  1. wahoo33417

    What have you done to your Grady lately?

    Might you have pics of the canvas sleeves? Sounds like a good idea. I don't think my old, original sleeves would stay in place if I put 5200 on them! Tx, Rob
  2. wahoo33417

    What have you done to your Grady lately?

    I hope you're 19 with long, skinny arms ;) . Good luck.
  3. wahoo33417

    GW Journey 258 Fuel Consumption

    We did most of the Great Loop in our Journey. Had it for 12 years and loved. Saved the Great Lakes portion of the Loop for retirement and we wanted a little more cabin room since slip space was sometimes harder to come by. Hence the step up to the Sailfish. Still miss the Journey.
  4. wahoo33417

    A/C in a cuddy cabin

    Greauxpete: In case your unit doesn't work out the way you hope. I'll offer an 'off-the-wall' idea. I'm good at those ;). I saw in Home Depot what struck me as one of the smallest window AC units I've seen. It was a Toshiba offered in both 5,000 and 6,000 btu's at same dimensions, similar...
  5. wahoo33417

    What I learned about "Check Engine" and Engine Codes

    Thanks, Seasick. I did have the dealer do a load test of the batteries before this trip. Along with many other things, like fuel tank pressure test, replace under-deck drain hoses and full service on engines. I knew I was going into a somewhat remote area with no Sea Tow or TowBoatUS. My three...
  6. wahoo33417

    What I learned about "Check Engine" and Engine Codes

    Seasick: Thanks. I read through the link on THT. I guess I'm fortunate that my engine never skipped a beat. Especially where I was. I won't order a new $300 sensor just yet. All my fishing and snorkeling is within 10-12 miles of the inlet. Not far to get home on one engine. And I always have...
  7. wahoo33417

    What I learned about "Check Engine" and Engine Codes

    Seasick: Thanks for investigating, but not me posting on THT. But I will look for that - thanks. To be clear, I would clear the warning from the gauge once each day while I was running. It would never pop up again that same day. But it would always come back, only once, the next day. I know...
  8. wahoo33417

    Enclosure thoughts

    Skunk: Really good ideas. More to add to the wish list! Thanks for sharing.
  9. wahoo33417

    New To Me Sailfish 282

    Congrats on the Sailfish!
  10. wahoo33417

    What I learned about "Check Engine" and Engine Codes

    Maybe others knew this, I didn't. ECU's store engine codes and continue to send them to the gauge even if the problem no longer persists. On the second day out of a planned three week boating trip in Canada, Yamaha square gauge began scrolling "Check Engine" message. By holding Mode button for...
  11. wahoo33417

    A/C in a cuddy cabin

    Nice find. I'll echo Family Affair and ask what brand? I wouldn't expect 2500 btu's to do much during the day, but may do the job after sundown. Keep us posted.
  12. wahoo33417

    Completed trip through North Channel, Canada

    Fortunately, never had to come off plane. But did have to put the trim tabs down a few times. Sometimes, when I only had a couple of miles to go and winds were picking up, I slowed to about 1500 rpms and left it on auto pilot and just enjoyed the scenery. And took a little less wear and tear on...
  13. wahoo33417

    Completed trip through North Channel, Canada

    Turns out that was the only night I wanted the AC. I was going to bed so early to be up at 4 am and the cabin had not yet cooled down. But you're right, well into the night I was in my sleeping bag! After that, during my first night in Canada, a 'cool' front came through and overnight lows...
  14. wahoo33417

    Completed trip through North Channel, Canada

    Some thoughts on this trip. This is the first trip where I wish I had my own truck and trailer. I ran out of time to see as much of the North Channel as I had hoped. Some of that was weather days. Much of that was 'rest' days to let the bad discs in my neck not get to be real problematic. I...
  15. wahoo33417

    Completed trip through North Channel, Canada

    Just as Apple weather app had forecast, it was a narrow weather window that would lead to winds picking up through the day. As I idled into Straights State Harbor, this little Easter Kingbird took a short ride. I saw so many birds on this trip that I couldn’t ID. Lots of Sandhill Cranes and...