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  1. H

    251 ce battery/electrical issue

    Could you elaborate on how to go about finding the important ground wires? I see the fuel tank grounding wire because it’s green and labeled. Here’s a photo of the battery setup currently.
  2. H

    251 ce battery/electrical issue

    After checking the batteries again. The sea star steering is connected directly to battery one. Both positive and negative, is this normal?
  3. H

    251 ce battery/electrical issue

    I looked at it and didn’t see anything loose that I could tell.
  4. H

    251 ce battery/electrical issue

    Rechecked the batteries with a volt meter at the terminal it showed 13.3 volt instead of 11.4 that the unit showed previously. You may be correct in that there is an issue in between the two.
  5. H

    251 ce battery/electrical issue

    Hello guys, was recently out on the water in my family’s 2021 251 ce when it randomly stopped dead in the water. We were traveling at about 23 knots and the whole system turned off. The boat came halting to a stop with our Simrads turning off and engine turning off. The system came back up with...