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  1. BobH1

    New Transducer Install

    Spreads the load of the tightening nut.
  2. BobH1

    New Transducer Install

    Whenever I would install a thru hull transducer, I would have a 1/4" to 3/8"ply wood backing plate between the inside of the hull and the nut of the transducer. I would paint the backing plate with bilgekoat. Seal the backing plate to the inside of the hull with your choice of caulk.
  3. BobH1

    For those running Honda Generators - where do you mount them or keep them

    Interested also. Have a 268 Islander. Probably store under port side seat. When in use either transom or on top of the hardtop.
  4. BobH1

    [Question Answered - not going to risk it] Seafarer 228 w/ 7,000 lb towing capacity?

    For some reason all my pics are too large to download...... Anyway. For my tow vehicle and daily driver up in Delmarva, 2019 Chevy 2500HD duramax 4×4 that I leveled, put Nitto grappler 295/60/20 tires on Black Rhino rims. I have airlift airbags and cold air intake. Largest trailer pulled was 39'...
  5. BobH1

    Replacing thru hulls, removing bottom paint, temporary fixing a wet transom..... making progress.......

    Did my share of that in the '70's and '80's way before all the regulations. I can tell you it will make you quit smoking. Ranks right up there with grinding fiberglass. Hang in there. While all that is beyond me now, there is the satisfaction of a job well done.
  6. BobH1

    [Question Answered - not going to risk it] Seafarer 228 w/ 7,000 lb towing capacity?

    You can make the numbers work on paper. It's getting them to work in the real world that counts. It really drpends on your experience and confidence in towing. I am a retired truck driver. Spent the previous few years pulling a toyhauler around that was at the limit for my 2500 hd if stock. I...
  7. BobH1

    61 Runabout- lap straight repair-

    Man that is a great looking Grady. The strakes were steam bent and fastened to the ribs starting at the forefoot and working your way aft. Next strake would overlap the bottom one by about an inch as you worked your way to the gunnel. If you have a strake that has pulled away from a rib, find...
  8. BobH1

    Deck Drains

    Difference looks to be about $22. There may be others as I just did a cursory look.
  9. BobH1

    Replacing horn on 2003 228

    Male and female uninsulated shown. Female insulated shown.
  10. BobH1

    Replacing horn on 2003 228

    For all of you that insist on replacing the horn..... use spade connectors. Covered male and female connectors that you can reuse. Never snip wires on the boat side sgain. Just crimp new spade connectors to the new horn.
  11. BobH1

    Insurance Recommendation Needed

    I hate insurance companies.
  12. BobH1

    Power reduced

    I did not see a year.
  13. BobH1

    Power reduced

    I believe he mentioned an F300 which I am going to assume is a Yamaha.
  14. BobH1

    Power reduced

    With everything having sensitive electronics these days it would not surprise me that problems would develope. Did you run on just the fully charged battery? What motor do you have? If the alternator is trying to charge a dead battery, which it is not meant to do, I would expect issues with...
  15. BobH1

    2 stroke oil burn

    I will be figuring that out myself. 1995 250. Probably carry an extra gallon or two. Won't be fishing, just cruising. May try a Delmarva loop once the boat gets used to me.
  16. BobH1

    1995 268 Islander

    Curious as to whether anyone might recognize this islander. This is being purchased through an estate. Owner passed and widow is selling. Boats name is "Dee Dee Gal". Hailing port of Sramford CT. Registered in NJ Has been sitting on a lift in Port Charlotte FL for the last 2 years.
  17. BobH1

    268 Islander make over

    Great looking islander! I just picked up a '95 with the original 250 Yamaha. How is the Suzuki working for you? Though I am partial to 2 strokes, I may need a repower in the not too distant future. I will be replacing the thru hulls with bronze. Will be based on the Delmarva near Chincoteague
  18. BobH1

    Round ispection plates

    I would opt for the screw type as well. I have an 8" pop in on the bracket of my '78 Kencraft that would keep popping up just sitting on the trailer. I surmised that the sun was heating the bracket causing air expansion and forcing the cap off. Drilled a tiny hole in the middle and problem...
  19. BobH1

    1995 268 Islander

    Thanks. Mechanic will be giving me an evaluation on engine service and if it has to come off, then I will replace the cap. It appears that the cap has been sealed in the past and still in good condition. The thruhulls definitely are aged and will need to be changed with priority to waterline...