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  1. B

    272 Sailfish Aux Fuel tank

    This is straight from Grady for my 99 sailfish. The fuel sender for the 150 main is made by WEMA USA (PH# 954-463-1075) and their item # is SSL316-17.5 153047 (17 1/2" length). The AUX sender is item # SSL316-16 153044 (16" sender).
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    New Electronics in '97 Sailfish 272.

    Here’s the hardtop diagram. There’s the feed for the fuse block then a separate feed which they have labeled as the vhf. Hard to read but u get the idea.
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    New Electronics in '97 Sailfish 272.

    I believe those wires are dedicated for vhf use. I have the factory wiring diagrams somewhere I’ll double check.
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    Scupper ball valve

    What ^^^ he said. Check all the thru holes and hoses. I know the hoses on my 99’ sailfish were beyond shot when I replaced them last year. One nearly disintegrated when I touched it.
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    Scupper ball valve

    I wouldn’t. They reduce flow and clog easily. Plus being off the side of the boat if you were to hit something and shear one off you could be in trouble quick.
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    New Electronics in '97 Sailfish 272.

    I installed a garmin 942 in mine last year. Of course, the 943 came out like 2 weeks later. I used some 1/4” black plexiglass to install the unit and then made a door to the right to I could use that dead space as a glove box. I love how it turned out. I can keep my phone, wallet, keys plus the...
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    Scupper access plate

    The deck drains are sold thru marine town. You can call or email them and they can get you what you need. They are also sold on eBay but cost a bit more. Search Grady cockpit floor drain. They look like this
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    Scupper access plate

    From the side is very doable and once finished it’s out of sight out of mind. Nothing to stub your toe on. If you get the new two piece deck drains from Grady, you can drill the old drains out with a hole saw from the top. There is plenty of room to get your arm in there and reach down to remove...
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    Scupper access plate

    I like the idea of storage for things you may not need very often. There is about 4-5” of space between the walls so it would have to be a fairly shallow box.
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    Sailfish fuel tank

    Thanks for adding the link to your thread. After doing the job, do you think if the main tank was about a foot longer you would be able to install it without getting all jammed up? After seeing your pictures, I’m starting to think they had to make to separate tanks so they could install/remove...
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    Sailfish fuel tank

    Good question. I’m not sure what’s between the tanks. That could very well be my deciding factor. I also just thought about the newer 282s have one large deck panel whereas my 272 has a large one with a smaller one aft that has a bulkhead between the two. I’m thinking that might not allow a...
  12. B

    Sailfish fuel tank

    I have a 99 sailfish that I’ll be pulling the decks and going thru the tanks and fuel lines come this off-season. Being the tanks are original I’m expecting they are on borrowed time. I have 2 tanks. The forward/main is a 150gallons and the rear/aux tank is around 50. I see the newer sailfish’s...
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    New to forum weathered 272 sailfish

    Nice boat. I have a 99 sailfish myself. Last winter I redid the dash and added all new electronics. I have a garmin 942xs currently. Might upgrade to the 943 for the side scan features or even better move up to a 12” screen so it’s easier to read. Anyway here’s my current setup. This is before...
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    Scupper access plate

    The spot under the transom door would be a useless hole. I cut a deck plate hole into the spot you are showing in the last pic. Get it as low and forward as you can, just make sure the plate will sit flat. This hole will give you fairly easy access to the hoses and scupper fittings. Search...
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    Grady 27/28 sailfish owners...

    I have a 272 and it lives on the south shore of Long Island. The bay does get snotty but this boat handles it very well. It is very sensitive to motor trim and trim tabs and I find it takes me a few min while on plane to get the ride where I want it. It never really pounds, I’ll push the bow...
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    Brass Drain Tubes for Journey 258

    Not sure about your boat but my sailfish has 1.25” brass tubes
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    Repair holes in hardtop

    Thanks guys. I’m going to try using marinetex tomorrow. Let’s see how it goes.
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    Repair holes in hardtop

    Anyone have some insight on how to properly repair holes in a hardtop? I’m replacing the radar and I have four 3/8” holes that need to be filled. They will be hidden under the dome so they don’t have to be perfect, I just don’t want water intrusion issues later on. Thanks.
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    new 4 stroke weights

    What motors do you have on the boat now? If it’s a 200hp+ Yamaha 2 stroke, they are closer to 500lbs each.
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    Twin 115s on 228?

    So I had a 23’ sea ox with twin 115 evinrudes. I know it’s not a Grady but it was a walk around similar to a seafarer. I bought it bc I loved the idea of twins. It wasn’t any faster then the same boat with a single 225hp. It would not plane on one engine, and I felt that the lower hp motors...