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  1. B

    Thru-hull scupper on 282

    I’m pretty sure you need bronze thru hulls at the water line. The stainless won’t hold up.
  2. B

    scupper deck fitting replacement - 2005 282 Sailfish

    I was able to get to my starboard scuppers after I cut this access port in behind the door. Definitely a challenge but to me it was worth it so I didn’t have to cut the deck.
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    Sloppy Steering

    Does your boat have a tilt helm? The tilt mechanism tends to wear out and get sloppy. On my sailfish it was the reason my steering was loose and would cause the wheel to bind while turning. A new tilt mechanism and she’s as good as new. I can’t believe the difference.
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  7. B

    Sailfish scupper hoses

    I used 4200. Put a nice bead under the strainer then screwed it into the elbow. I also used Teflon tape on the threads. Not really for sealing purposes but I figured if the 4200 got into the threads it would be extremely hard to unscrew the strainer if I ever needed to take it apart. The Teflon...
  8. B

    Sailfish scupper hoses

    Mine did leave a little gap as well. I plan on using some almond silicone to fill the gap so it blends in better. Changing the hoses wasn’t fun but I’m glad I did. Not sure how much longer they would have lasted. The starboard side was much worse then the port.
  9. B

    Sailfish scupper hoses

    Mine sit pretty flush. The picture was just showing how I was able to pull the elbow up to the bottom of the deck using a pick while I threaded the strainer in. The threads were barely started there.
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    Sailfish scupper hoses

    I finally got some time to start the brutal task of changing the scupper hoses out on my 1999 272 sailfish. As everyone pretty much knows the starboard side is fairly easy. The port is where the fun is. I took a few pictures along the way in hopes it helps save someone some time and frustration...
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    2002 F225 Trim/Tilt Motor DB Electric

    So when I bought my boat it had a trashed trim motor that didn’t work. I couldn’t see spending nearly $700 for the oem Yamaha one so I tried the Sierra version. It worked awesome till about mid October where it died a slow death. After some research, I stumbled upon db electric and decided to...
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    04 Marlin 300 Cutting Board – Stove Top lid

    I missing this too on my sailfish. I planned on just buying some starboard and making my own. I believe seafoam is the color that’s the closest match.
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    Routing Starboard

    To me it almost looks like either the router speed was too high or you went to fast feeding the board in causing the board to melt and stick to itself? I never messed with starboard but I have used all sorts of pvc trim boards over the years and I know speed and sharp blades/bits plays a big...
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    2002 282 livewell and washdown hose replacement

    Haha awesome. I have everything apart and wondered myself if I could squeeze back there. I’m just afraid if I get stuck then what.
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    2002 282 livewell and washdown hose replacement

    I have a 272 sailfish. Very similar but I do know your livewell is a little different. Access to all the hoses aren’t really that bad on mine. I have an inspection port where I believe you have your battery switches, behind there access to the bottom hose. Then for the two side hoses on the tank...
  16. B

    Shower sum pump filter location

    Valve on the left is the raw water pickup for the toilet. The valve on the right is the discharge line from the waste tank
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    Macerator/Waste holding tank

    Thanks for all the advice everyone. My boat never had a lockout on the handle but I’ll rectify that this off-season. I agree with not really needing the macerator. There are pump out boats all over the gsb during the summer and plenty of pump stations around as well. I just like everything...
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    Macerator/Waste holding tank

    Hookup, thanks. That’s exactly what I was looking for. Do you have anymore pictures? This is something I want to tackle over the winter. With my long list of other things
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    Macerator/Waste holding tank

    This is the link I was describing when he used a Y valve to tie the external macerator in. After messing with this internal one I pray I never have to do this again
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    Macerator/Waste holding tank

    So the macerator on my 99 sailfish isn’t working. It has the typical all in one macerator/tank combo. I grossly took it apart and nearly vomited a few times taking it out. I’m going to try and clean it up somehow and see if I can revive it. If not, I’m pondering some options. I found groco...