Search results

  1. C

    opinion on canvas color

    In Sunbrella, I believe the color is named "Captains Navy".
  2. C

    Chum Grinder

    I purchased one that is 24 volts that mounts into the rod holder and hangs over the side into the water. Stainless blades and has a foot control. The motor is a saltwater series motor guide. I never got around to using it. It has never seen the water. Got into offshore trolling and thats all we...
  3. C

    Grady Marlin 300 Headliner Cracks

    I went through the same issue and the same results as you describe...REFUSED I am told that it is a welding process that Grady used that is like TIG but uses a rod made up of the same material that the headliner is composed of. Results were almost perfect when done by someone trained and...
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    265 Express Rub Rail

    There is no stainless on our 265's rub rail. Just the outer blue portion and the blue hose insert made of the same material. I would be afraid to buff due to the heat that would be generated in a small area, ie inadvertantly burned areas. The sweet part about the acetone is that it melts the...
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    265 Express Rub Rail

    Had similar problem. Get a couple of rolls of GOOD paper towels. But a quart of acetone. Wash the rail with soap and water. Let dry. Wet several paper towels with the acetone and clean the rail with long strokes. What you are doing is melting the rubber on the surface. That's why the long...
  6. C

    Did your headliner survive this winter?

    They would not repair mine. Said I was a year late in reporting it.
  7. C

    Did your headliner survive this winter?

    Have a 265 with several cracks on the SC coast.
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    Changing out props on 265 Express

    The Mirages I mentioned above are three blades and I have run them on our 265 in 19 and in 17. in anything but perfect seas the 17's ventilated after running awhile requiring me to throttle down tilt motors down and get back on plane again. The 4 blade Rev 4's eliminated the problem entirely...
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    Changing out props on 265 Express

    There is a beautiful labbed set of 18 Mirages onTHT this morning with new hubs in box's for 550.00 Now that's a deal.
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    Changing out props on 265 Express

    Get on the THT Forum , Parts section. This time of year alot of props come up for sale as people are commisioning boats and trying different props. I found two Rev 4 props in 19 that didn't work as well as I planned and was able to trade them with a Dealer that I am friends with for two new...
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    Changing out props on 265 Express

    I have a 2001 265 with twin 2011 225 Merc Optis. I have gone to 17 pitch Rev 4's. Had a ventilation problem and these cured it without loss of top speed. Fairly consistant milage of 2.0-2.5 mpg at cruise. Holeshot is amazing.
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    Folding motor dam removal question

    Sorry for the poor quality pic. This was a mod done by Grady for the original owner. Stainless Marine bracket with a well designed slide in rounded at the top panel. Panel is about 1/2" thick gelcoated fiberglass. Thinking about getting rid of the door all together and hope that I can find a...
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    Folding motor dam removal question

    I will be working on the boat replacing the transom trim this weekend and will get a few then.
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    Folding motor dam removal question

    I just purchased a 1999 209 that has only 262 hours on the whole rig. Seems the original owner knew someone at Grady and had a Stainless Marine 22" bracket mounted on the transom. A slide in panel was fabricated that slips into a groved channel on both sides of the cutout in the transom. The...
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    232 vs 265 express

    I own a 2001 265 with twin 225 Merc Optis. The ride in Really Bad stuff is phenomenal. Landing with a whoosh instead of a bang is the trait I love the most about this hull design. The earlier years had a more agressive deadrise angle that made it a wave cutting beast. Drawback was it bow steers...
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    Grady 257 Transom Cap Plate Corrosion

    Some owners remove the engine(s) and glass the area after removing the aluminum trim. On our '01 265 I removed the trim and found a void underneath filled with a couple of pounds of dead red lady bugs. After cleaning it out, no bad wood was apparent. I filled the void with fast cure 5200 and...
  17. C

    upgrade?? 228 to 25 sailfish

    Depending on budget and what kind of a tow vehicle you presently own or plan to own, the 265 Express with its wider beam is also one heck of a boat, particularly in really bad seas. Said from experience, it is a beast.
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    265 Express Toilet/Head Choice

    From the looks of things, what everyone can agree on is to go back with what Grady spec'ed and then go on a diet and hope my big a@# gets smaller. Again thanks for all the responses and help. Ray
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    Great video!! Was going to the coast this weekend to work on our 265. Temp today dropped to 40's and rain for Sat and Sunday. Oh well.
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    265 Express Toilet/Head Choice

    No problem and thank you. I sent my email to the email you provided me earlier. Send the pics there.