Search results

  1. O

    Windlass Installation

    Welcome to the GG forum. Lots of great info here, and the SEARCH function works really well. Recommend you read here, then come back with any specific questions. When you say "bow tiedown" are you referring...
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    VHF Radio Output

    Well, it certainly isn’t a voltage problem. No insult intended, but are you sure bottom switch is in the correct power off position? It could be the device. Do you have a friend with a boat you can test on?
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    VHF Radio Output

    Check the voltage at the radio connections, both prior to and while transmitting. My guess is a lot of drop and lower than optimal voltage at the radio. Our two fixed radios were wired with one from the house bank and one from the engine batteries. Both to Digital 529 antenna. Used same...
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    Trailer issues

    No such thing as a 272 Islander. Early Islander was 268, then 270. LOA 26’11”, beam 8’6”. The “272” was the Sailfish that preceded your “282”. A foot longer and a foot wider than an Islander, and about 25% heavier.
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    Shaft length for a 1995 26.8 Islander

    You’re quite welcome. A good 300hp single would be a major improvement. And, based on personal experience, I strongly recommend a good four-blade prop that gets the correct WOT RPM. The four-blade will have a lot more bite. We ran a PowerTech OFS4 x 17” on our big single. Don’t hesitate to...
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    Shaft length for a 1995 26.8 Islander

    Congrats on your GW. Now that you own one, I recommend you get familiar with their web site, and available support. On the web site I was able to access the catalog for the 1995 models and confirmed what I was fairly sure of. Shaft length of 30” for single engine, 25” for twins, and max hp of...
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    282 sailfish vs 30 marlin interior space?

    An easy way to envision it is this - if you take off the top cap on a Marlin 300, you can put an entire Sailfish 282 inside the hull.
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    bad bow steer after motor upgrade

    Comments above nailed it. Bow steer because you have too much boat in the water.
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    Water pump rebuild kits

    Russ, if you don’t know the condition of the pumps I recommend you have two full kits in hand and replace everything. That way you will have a clean starting point. After that, you should be good with just impellers for a while, as long as you don’t take sand up in there as it quickly erodes...
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    282 Sailfish V-berth slope

    Store your beer in the anchor locker... :):):)
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    Boat launched - failed... heh

    I think I made that offer a while back. If Austin is the nearest city to you, the airfare is about $250-$350, round trip. But you might be able to find someone closer. I only have about 3000+ hours on an Islander. :):):) And I don't think there is anything wrong with using a nearby lake...
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    Boat launched - failed... heh

    How long since those engines had been run? Or, how long had they sat idle? The impellor blades can take a 'set' and either not move water well or worse they can break off and pieces can go into the water passages. Had you previously dropped the lower units? Looked at or replaced the water...
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    Re-wiring a boat?

    All good comments above. Just do some good cleanup, cutting ends and crimping on new connectors where needed. Loved our Grady, but the wiring materials and workmanship were a tier or two below other things. e.g. the SS on the boat was truly high quality, while the untinned wire was not.
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    Cruise prop slip on Seafarer 226

    You seem to be using prop slip to measure efficiency, but that fails to consider other factors. After some tens of thousands of miles on our Islander, with the original single 250hp OX66 and the twin F150s, and a good bit of prop evaluation on each, I will say that your numbers are very good...
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    Air Conditioning and Solar - curious

    Mermaid Marine Air, 6,500BTU. I installed it under the aft end of the galley furniture on the port side. Lots of posts on here about it. You could hang meat in there, even in the heat of Virginia and southern Maryland. Worked fine at the dock, and from a Honda EU2000 on the swim platform.
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    Is there a "trick" to installing a nmea2000 device?

    Never was a Garmin guy, or fan thereof. But lots of folks are.. Simrad was always my preference. But I work on all of it, mostly doing upgrades for all the folks around here who think their six year old unit is just fine, and never heard of updating electronics.
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    Is there a "trick" to installing a nmea2000 device?

    The only thing that goes on the ends of the bus are the terminating resistors. Every device and the power feed come in by "T" connectors. Lots of diagrams on line. My original NMEA2K installation was simply in the helm area. I "extended" it aft to the transom when I connected the two F150s...
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    Weekend plan anyone?

    Our plans for this weekend depend almost entirely on what track Hurricane Dorian takes as he zeroes in on Florida. GFS has track hundreds of miles away from us, while the European model has the CPA in hundreds of yards... sort of makes a big difference, and the Euro has a much better track...
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    335 Freedom Side Ways Bow Thruster IMTRA Dangerous Problem

    Sorry to hear that happened to you. Most thruster installations have a nearby battery so the large cable runs are kept short, requiring only lower gauge wiring to charge the dedicated thruster battery.