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    265 Express w/Suzuki DF250AP re-post

    Those new 250 V-8’s would be my choice, but they are unicorns. Our boat show is next week I’m going to get some quotes, I’ll share when I get them.
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    282 outriggers

    Will do
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    Best boat you never owned?

    Anything made by Winter Custom Yachts works for me: I am lucky enough to get some invites on a 61 Viking that has a 38 knot cruise and she’s an absolute beast, but those Winters take it to another level. I was next to a 37 Winter ( Ricochet) in Tortolla In November...
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    282 outriggers

    I am in the same boat (no pun intended). I have a 265 Express and found some 19 footers off a Carolina Classic 25. Thought it would be plug and play. Was looking forward to a bigger spread compared the stock 15’s. Two issues : the stays ( wires) for the spreaders hits the hardtop when the are...
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    Holding tank/Macerator access in a 265 Express

    Wow- thanks so much ( I think ) that looks like quite the project.
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    jabsco marine head system question

    That’s what I thought
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    jabsco marine head system question

    I’ve got a dumb question, can you just open to see cock and let the tank out at sea with no power? Or does the macerator pump have to work to discharge it at sea?
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    Old bottom paint removal

    Farrow blasting
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    Holding tank/Macerator access in a 265 Express

    I hear you, if there was a consistent pump out station ( out of 2) on my inlet I would do the same. Got a family full of girls so I got to use it. Just troubleshooting now,
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    jabsco marine head system question

    So, I tried the above method I have power to theswitch although the switch doesn’t indicate or power up. It immediately trips the 25 amp fuse in the fuse panel when I press the pump out button, does nothing on the fill level when I press that. I don’t know a lot of stuff, but I really don’t know...
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    Holding tank/Macerator access in a 265 Express

    Chasing the same gremlins as the guy on the Jasbco thread, but I have a 265 Express . How do you access the tank/pump? TIA
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    jabsco marine head system question

    I am having the same issue with my 2001 265 express. I have replaced the 25 amp fuse but still no power to the pump out panel. I guess I’ll look for that in line fuse. Or maybe the panel is bad?
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    Elevator lift

    As much as I don’t want to consider one, an Elevator lift might be my only option, due to my location. Any experience with one? I have a 265 now and maybe the biggest I could go in my creek might be a Marlin or 305. I hear they’re substantially more expensive and a lot more finicky, any info...
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    I remember seeing a thread on here where someone re-powered with DF 250’s on the same boat and there was something with the factory set negative trim. Once he adjusted that the boat ran a lot better. Just a thought
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    Tips for trailering Marlin

    What Harpoon said, easier than cranking 9k by winch
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    25ft journey or 26 express

    When we built my trailer we figured 9kish but fully fueled and ready to fish I’d agree 10k is realistic. I don’t trailer too far, mainly have it for doing maintenance, going to the shop, etc. Fishing buddy has a 26 Reg Express so we both share the trailer. I would not pull it with a Grand Cherokee
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    25ft journey or 26 express

    Love my 265 but if you have to trailer a lot you’ll need a 3/4 ton truck to pull her around. She’s beefy! My family loves the express helm and the berth and shower below
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    Oil pump

    Check the little in line filter on the remote tank, they clog easy. My 200 HPDI ‘s had this issue. They would work fine at low speeds but once you got above 3500 they restricted the flow enough to alarm. I keep spares on the boat and reconfigured my remote tank for better access.
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    19' Single Spreader Outriggers on 254 Sailfish

    I picked up a set of 19’s off a 25 Carolina Classic. Same circumstances, couldn’t pass up the price. Still playing around with fitment, and the standoffs for the standard 15’s does not work with the 19’s. I am going to reach out to Lee’s for advice, they are good to deal with
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    2000 265 express ox66 4 blade prop

    Sub’d, wondering the same. Would 4 blades help or hurt the “occasional “ bow steer on the 265?. Running 3 blades on my 200 HPDI’s now.