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  1. S

    Repower 265 Express

    When mechanical b/c it was quicker to get and cheaper. Plus I am old school and don’t like new tech . But seriously, I have been running a friends boat with FBW and I’d probably have gone with it if I knew then what I know now. But I really hate how sensitive those digital throttles are . Only...
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    Repower 265 Express

    I love my DF 200’s on mine- great set up. Highly recommend. I got mechanical controls , about 38k out the door. Dealer is 5 miles away so another bonus. Looked at the 225 V6 Mercs but it was 54 week lead time when I bought. 200 Yami’s were 8k higher, got an AP and some other work done with the...
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    Poor Grady-White support for older boats.

    They’ve been great for me and my 01 265, and I’m the third owner.
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    Has anyone weighed a 265?

    I am hearing Chevy May bring back the HD Suburban in ‘25. Probably be 100k. I like the current diesel option in the Suburban but it’s a 1500 platform. Thanks for all the replies, I think we’ve settled on a 10.5k/11.5k weight range, which is too much for any current 3 row SUV. This thing is...
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    Has anyone weighed a 265?

    Thanks fellas- my current tow rig can tow 12.5k. It’s been a great rig since I bought it new 21 years ago . We love having a 3 row 4wd SUV, but we have grandkids on the way, and the Admiral likes the new Suburban and the Expedition is getting a redesign soon
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    Has anyone weighed a 265?

    I have the brochure, and I figure I am at about 9000-10000lb wet. Has anyone weighed one? May have to look for a new tow vehicle and the Suburbans and Expeditions are are 9300 ish towing capacity. Only tow around town for service, hurricane haulout, occasional 2hr pull to OBX. She’s a plus sized...
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    New in box Helm Cover 265 Express

    Did this ever sell?
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    Yamaha Dual 704 Replacement Advice Needed

    I just repowered and have complete rigging from a 26 GW Express ( twin 2001 HPDI’s) including Dual Binnacle. Boat was dry stored its whole life and had only 880 hrs on the entire rig. Let me know if you are interested in anything
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    Bang Plate 265 Express

    We did ours with two motor lifts, didn’t even unhook the controls. If you want to tackle it yourself it’s doable
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    Rub rail end caps

    Was in the same boat with my 265. First I tried a heat gun, and that worked ok. Then I just hand sanded them until they were smooth and hit them with some plastic paint:
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    NJ Offshore Wind Farms Pros/Cons/Conspiracy theories

    So, they’ve built 2 so far 27 miles SE of us. (Va Beach). Want to build a couple hundred between there and OBX. They’re still working out there and if you try to fish the base of one they’ll run you off. I guess it will be like that during the build out ( if it happens). Lots of discussion if...
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    265 Capsized of Jersey Coast

    1. Glad everyone is ok 2. Love to know the cause-always learning 3. If anyone sees this at auction-let me know- 265 power buy, I need some things!
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    265 Fuel sender

    Based on my experience, make sure you take your time removing the sender and be extra careful with the RivNuts . I put too much torque and damaged them, causing a leak. I’d also run some of the fuel out of the tank before you start the process
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    265 Express Deck Removed

    Skunk- my 01 had the 2x4 when we popped the floor up, original tanks. We skinned those wood pieces with some fiberglass resin before we buttoned her up
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    265 Express Deck Removed

    Looking good. Look like original tanks. When you caulk it, run a piece of mono around the gap before you caulk and leave a small “tag” somewhere. Then when you need to pull the deck back up, yank the mono first and it will cut thru the caulk for a clean release
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    So, the install is complete and of course the wind machine turned on. Haven’t be able to get out of the inlet except for a few runs to put some time on the motors. While running at 3k for that part of the break in, I noticed occasional cavatation. Randomly jump up 400/500 rpm. Condition were...
  17. S

    265 first ocean run

    I’ve had boats my whole life and spent 15 years in a 25 SeaVee before my 265. Thought I had seen it all. First ocean trip in my 265 was a nightmare, couldn’t figure it out. Wanted to sell it. Then I found this site and took all the advice above. Heed all the advice above and put some hours on...
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    Here’s a shot of the mounting holes
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    So- just got a quick call from the dealer. They tried the Powertech LFS4 16x20’s. Said it blew out a lot and sometimes one side would randomly blow out on plane causing a nice heel over. I didn’t get numbers but in their opinion the Suzuki. 15 1/4 x 22’s worked fine. I am anxious to get the...