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  1. L

    Reduced price: 2008 Grady White 225 Tournament / Yamaha F250

    Can't thank you enough! It's been a real challenge to get this figured out. Hopefully some day our paths cross and I can return the favor!
  2. L

    Reduced price: 2008 Grady White 225 Tournament / Yamaha F250

    Sorry to hijack your thread. I have the same boat and while traveling lost the stern bolster above the fold down seat. Is there any way you would be willing to get me the measurements on that? Length, width and thickness. I appreciate the consideration!
  3. L

    Advice - Leaning towards a Tournament/Freedom 225

    Hello! Fellow 225 owner. I lost the bolster over the stern fold down bench seat. I was wondering if I could bother you for the dimensions of that? I've put in an exhaustive search so I apologize for hijacking an old thread but starting to grow a bit desperate, lol. Thanks much! Longshore
  4. L

    Overstocked Grady White Cushions 100’s to chose from

    Would you have a 34-696 aft back cushion for a 05 225 tournament? I realize this thread is quite old.
  5. L

    Adding a full swim platform to a 2005 Grady 225 Tournament

    I live in Colorado and you are right! I finally purchased one in December and it was on the border of TN and NC. Quite the road trip.
  6. L

    Replacement seat back - GW supplier info?

    I lost mine recently on a road trip. Apparently those 2 screws back off pretty easily. I also spoke with Carolyn at Grady White. She was able to give me the oem part number as well as a diagram that showed all of the cushion numbers for our boat as well as a pdf of the owners manual. Best of luck.
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    '05 Tournament 225

    Thank you!
  8. L

    '05 Tournament 225

    Our new to us 225! Excited for spring!!
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    Does anyone have a 2005 era Tounament 225? I lost the stern bolster above the fold down seat. Boats out of state so I was looking for the measurements on that piece. Much appreciated to anyone who might have one and willing to share those measurements!