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  1. G

    How much Epoxy for 228 Tank Cover Repair

    DennisG01, how has the foam core held up? Do you ave any flex? What glass did you use? How thick was the foamboard?
  2. G

    How much Epoxy for 228 Tank Cover Repair

    Thanks, I was thinking about a gallon. I know that alot of the less expensive resins are poor quality for laminating but are there any decent mid price resins that are good enough for these kind of repairs?
  3. G

    How much Epoxy for 228 Tank Cover Repair

    Hello All, I am going to be cutting the bottom fiberglass out of the rear tank cover with the plan to remove the wood core, replace with cell core and glass over. Essentially, I will be doing what is shown on Born Again Boating video: Was wondering for those who have done this how much epoxy...
  4. G

    Cabin size of Seafarer pre 1993 vs 1993-97 in regards to T top mounting

    Hello, I cant seam to find this here or anywhere else, but is the the dimensions of the Cabin for the 1980s-1992 Seafarers the same as for the 1993-1997 model. Thanks for any input
  5. G

    WTB: 1990s Seafarer Hard Top

    I know this is a moon shot but if anyone has a Seafarer T top on the east coast they want to part with I would be interested.
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    Advise before pulling trigger on 1990s 226s

    My mistake, I meant the 226, both are SV2, both have auxiliary tank. As for as being in excellent shape, I imagine that Boat One would be rated well above average if surveyed compared to simular well taken care of, singe owner Grady Whites of this age that I have seen surveyed by freinds. I...
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    Advise before pulling trigger on 1990s 226s

    Hello, This will be my first non sail boat purchase. I have two 226s (Pre 97) that I am thinking about putting offers on but wanted input from the community. Boat One: -Boat is in excellent shape, no wet wood, Nice electronics, transom dry, kept under cover on trailer...
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    Savannah, Georgia Marine Surveyor Recommendations

    Does anyone have any highly recommended surveyors that service the Savannah region. Looking at a mid 90s 208 and want the survey to be thorough. Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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    Would you avoid a mid 90s Grady White in the 2020s?

    That gelcoat look great!
  10. G

    Would you avoid a mid 90s Grady White in the 2020s?

    Thanks for everyone's input. I got to see the boat today and it is in crazy good shape, however the wife too my surprise stated that she wanted something bigger. I am leaning towards the seafarer 226 now.
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    Would you avoid a mid 90s Grady White in the 2020s?

    I have not gotten to price yet. The owner is a fellow coworker who bought it at the possible worse time during COVID so I think he believes its worth more what it probably is. It has been dry docked so no trailer which I will have to hunt down as well. I am in a field where you typically discuss...
  12. G

    Would you avoid a mid 90s Grady White in the 2020s?

    The deck and hull have been painted. Motor is stock paint and clean with 280 hours. Boat is currently wrapped for the winter so I have not had a chance to see it in person. Underwent a fairly thorough surveyed two years ago and returned as above average condition with no significant concerns.
  13. G

    Would you avoid a mid 90s Grady White in the 2020s?

    Hello, I have the opportunity to purchase a 1995 Tournament 192 that cosmetically and structurally is in excellent shape. The transom is intact and there appears to be no soft spots anywhere. I would normally not look at a boat this old but given the reputation of GW, that is is matched with a...