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  1. lazy grady

    SHURflo Diafram Pumps Model # 8050-204-133

    8/3/24 Reference: SHURflo Diafram Pumps Model # 8050-204-133 I have 2 fresh water pumps on my 1994 GW 24 Explorer Stern Drive. They service the fresh water system on a lavatory in the cabin and also a shower on the gunwall/side wall of the cockpit. Last winter I emptied the water tank...
  2. lazy grady

    Wash down/Livewell System

    8/1/24 pumps are under pull out draw compartment under the port seat. plan to access them tomorrow
  3. lazy grady

    Wash down/Livewell System

    I remember now. Age 75, perhaps dementia?
  4. lazy grady

    Wash down/Livewell System

    i will search for the pump access. it appears I will have to cut an access hole. gw custmer service could only give me the diagam of where the 2 pumps are But "no access advice"
  5. lazy grady

    Wash down/Livewell System

    8/1/24 "Referencing: if the pump doesn't pressurize the water system it won't shutoff. Could be no water, hose leak or broken pressure switch inside the pump housing". I note that as I remember, I did drain fresh water tank over the winter. From the above referenced correspondence, this may...
  6. lazy grady

    Wash down/Livewell System

    7/31/24 Fuse was pulled in the cabin fuse panel. I opened the "helm switch panel", supposidly located the switch. I then disconnected each terminal and spayed each with WD 40. Upon connecting all terminals (I think 4) back up, the motor or motors continued to run. There is a rubber type...
  7. lazy grady

    Wash down/Livewell System

    Correction, NOT Washdown/Livewell. It is Fresh Water System.
  8. lazy grady

    Wash down/Livewell System

    7/31/24 My 1994 GW 245 Explorer's fresh water system pump continually runs. I checked the switch. Unhooked all wires. The pump continually runs. I can not locate an access to what appears to be in the GW Diagram as to the 2 pumps under the Port side seat. I checked under the deck by the...
  9. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    You indicate "Run it with the cap off and add water if needed.". Do u mean antifreeze water mix on top of heat exchanger?
  10. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/29/24 thanks so much for your comments: 1. As to "not touching the fresh water side of the system", please elaborate? My thoughts (probably wrong) are there is two water cooling accesses: sea water pick up through the stern drive and the quick connect hose used on the lift? The additional...
  11. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/29/23 over time Given my lack of mechanical skills, I have spent a load on unnecessary parts. A little cocerned now as to replacing the water pump? Thinking I will ask Mechanic to check all water cooling system flow for blockages before replacing pump? Inlet and outlets to heat exchanger is...
  12. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    Ocock ain't Cristal clear. I try harder. They say, never aground, always a lier!
  13. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/27/24 Mechanic says, based on what I conveyed that Water Pump needs replacing. Thanking all for efforts. I think I learned something?
  14. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/27/24 Thanks! Engine sn 2A190935 ( 2014 Mercrusier 5.7L BRAVO 1 350 MAG MPI ECT Stern Drive Seacore) This engine has a "quick connect" raw/fresh water flush feature on the rear, top, starboard side of the engine. I flush the engine after each salt water use. The salt water cooling intake is...
  15. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/26/24 thanks, engine was purchased in 2014 (boat was 1994 sorry) heat exchanger is full as to antifreeze no winter freeze damage when using "quick connect" hose flushing (do not use muffs), the operating manual does not say to close sea cock flush port is on top, rear, starboard side of...
  16. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/26/24 thanking all for responses. My uneducated thinking is that given raw/fresh water as provided by a "quick connect hose" not through the sea cock (sea water) appears to be going through the sea water circulating system, the problem maybe in the antifreeze circulating system? (Circulating...
  17. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/26/24 thanks for the reply. Mud/sand bottom. Motor runs hot on "quick connect hose" fresh/raw water while on lift and expels water profusely out of stern drive ports. Thinking problem is in antifreeze flow? Maybe recirculating pump?
  18. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    History Engine did not over heat in lift at idle. Ran aground when exiting lift to big water. When in deep water, motor immediately ran extremely hot to instrument max when throttled up. Antifreeze spilled out onto deck. Shut motor off. Ran in at idle (3 minutes) once motor cooled...