Search results

  1. S

    Google Ads

    Hello All, I've have finally activated Google AdWords ads on the website to help generate revenue. While regular visitors and members will see the ads during their visit, we truly appreciate our supporters and have set up the site to not display Google ads for anyone who has made a donation in...
  2. S

    BOE Marine Electronics New GreatGrady sponsor

    Hello All, I want to introduce BOE Marine as a new GreatGrady sponsor. They are a well known established online marine electronics store. They are very knowledgably and provide excellent service.
  3. S

    Donate to the site and Get a Grady White Brochure!

    Hello Everyone, As an extra incentive to support the site, I am giving away my Grady White brochures to anyone who donates $20 or more to the site. I have 12 brochures ranging from 1999-2016. See list below. If you are interested, send your donation, your address and the year of the brochure...
  4. S

    Giant Bluefin caught on a Grady!
  5. S

    Cool Seafarer 228G Video

  6. S

    Forum Technical Difficulties - Site is Back Up!

    Hello All, Sorry about the down time. I upgraded the forum software and unfortunately it caused the custom template to break. There are a few more things that need to be fixed, but at least the site is backup. -Jeff, Admin
  7. S

    Crazy Repower Idea

    Hello All, My 1997 Grady White Seafarer 228G is in desperate need of a repower. I no longer trust the '97 Yamaha 225. My wife won't let me spend $20,000 on a new engine, but I can spend $10,000. I found an old 1988 Grady White 228G on craigslist that has been re powered with a 2018 Suzuki 200...
  8. S

    Florida Sportsman Project Dreamboat

    Around the 7:28 mark in this video they show a 30' Grady that was refurbished. KTrQCYvqcWw
  9. S

    Help Improve GreatGrady!

    Hi Everyone, As the new year rolls round, I would love to hear from members about ways that you think the site could be improved. If there are any features you'd like to see, things you'd like us to focus on or other ways we can improve the GreatGrady experience, please let me know. In 2017, I...
  10. S is now on Twitter!

    Please follow!
  11. S

    Ocean City, MD White Marlin Open

    This White Marlin is going on right now on Ocean City. I heard a 790-pound blue marlin was caught on a Grady White!
  12. S

    Grady Fest

    I am wondering if anyone in the forum is going to Grady Fest in Boston this year? My wife and I will be there, but not by boat.
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    New Sponsor

    Hello Everyone, I want to welcome our new sponsor International Marine.
  14. S

    New 25' Coastal Explorer

    sPxenKV62JU What do you think?
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    Fishing Trip Last Weekend

    I thought I would share with you our fishing adventure on the Grady last weekend. My wife is fairly new to fishing, but I think I got her hooked! bKcyjmHJUvY
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    Interesting Grady

    I saw this pic on Grady White's website at the Grady Fest. What do you think?
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    Sorry about the Spammers

    :sorry ...for not deleting these spammers. I have been away from the site for a while. If something like this happens again please email me. Thanks. -Jeff
  18. S

    Rendezvous - Georgetown Yacht Basin Sassafras River

    Rendezvous Georgetown Yacht Basin Sassafras River Saturday, June 11th @ 10 a.m. ‘til ? **ALL Grady-White Owners are invited!** 10:00 am Round-up in Seneca Creek near Beacon Light Marina and enjoy a relaxing cruise together! 11:15 am Approximate arrival in the Sassafras- tie up at the...
  19. S

    New Design and Forum Software Upgrade

    I finally upgraded to the new forum software and I changed the design. Please let me know if you have any problems. Thanks -Jeff, Admin
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    Look what my friend caught...

    ...a 78 lb Black Drum! We were fishing from my Grady for Rockfish just north of Kent Narrows, Maryland and my friend pulls in this huge Black Drum on 15 lb test line. We could not believe it. At first, my friend thought he had a large Skate. It took three guys to pull the fish aboard since the...