Search results

  1. H

    Grady hard top for walk-around

    I saw this on my local Craigslist. I know nothing about it. I just thought someone may be looking.
  2. H

    Which 0X66 is the good 0X66?

    I have been doing a little reading and have got questions about that generation of Yamahas. If I understood it all there is an 0X66 that is carbureted, another that is fuel injected at the throttle body and called Saltwater series II, another that is direct injection to the cylinders...
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    Evinrude G2 motors...need opinions

    I have been boatless for a while now and I am starting to look around. Some of them have the discontinued G2 motors from Evinrude. If you are running one, give me the scoop. First, are they noisy at cruise, do they smoke you out, are they hard to work on, do they troll well? How is the corrosion...
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    Rotten core in swim deck----need suggestions

    I was seeing lots of crevis corrosion where the ladder bolts through the platform. When I removed the ladder to clean the rusty area, it was obvious that there was wet, rotten wood around the drilled hole. I could push an ice pick sideways far into the core with little resistance. I started...
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    Polypropylene glue/adhesive question

    I am wondering if anyone has had any luck glueing polypropylene. If so, what product did you use?
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    Grady for cheap

    I just saw this on my local craigslist and thought it would get someone on the water at a reasonable cost. Not mine.
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    Compromised photo

    Back in the early 2000s, my wife and I used to take our boat up to Sekiu Washington to go salmon and halibut fishing. I had a favorite halibut spot that was about a 10 mile run and my wife didn't like it because it was 400 feet deep and commonly it was a bumpy ride back in the afternoon. She...
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    Tilt/Trim quandary

    My motor is a 2004 F225 TXRC Model Code 69J. When I bought this boat, I noticed that sometimes the tilt/ trim would not react when the "down" button on the shifter was pushed. If you let up on it and push again it works. On the test ride I just figured it was a bad rocker switch contact or...
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    Be careful what you wish for...

    This is a tragic thing.
  10. H

    Yamaha 4.2 L. bad starters

    I sold my Grady White 205 about two years ago. I had repowered it with a Yamaha mechanical F225 4.2L that was manufactured in late 2017. The guy that bought the boat called yesterday and said the starter had failed and wanted to thank me for getting the 6-year warrantee set up. Yamaha paid for...
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    Scammer in our midst

    A guy responded to a post of mine in "For Sale". I would hope that he can be blocked from the site. This is the post he made.
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    Hurricane Ian salvage boats

    If you are just curious about the hurricane or are looking for a project, here's some stuff to peruse.... Click on "Assets" at the top of the page to pick the category you are interested in.
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    Loran conversion to GPS

    Recently I had some interaction with a fellow Florida dweller because of the recent hurricane. We got along well and he became aware that I fished. He offered that his father- in-law was a life-long fisherman and diver and had passed away a few years ago. The old gentleman told his daughter to...
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    Pompanette Arm Rests

    These arm rests came from the "Ladder Back" style of captain chairs used on the Seafarer model Grady. Asking $150 for the pair plus shipping.
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    Yamaha timing belt advice needed

    I bought a 2004 228 with a 2004 F225 awhile back and have been tinkering it up, getting it ready to catch a fish. I got it done up to the point I am satisfied to start using it. The previous owner said he had never replaced the timing belt and there was no paperwork showing the original owner...
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    WTB rocket launcher bar for hardtop

    My 228 came without the hardtop rod holders and before I have some made I thought I would check to see if someone is tripping over one in their garage. The ones I'm talking about mount on the aft edge of the factory hardtop. Thanks John
  17. H

    ACR proves its worth

    Just North of me a ways at Clearwater Florida, a fishing guide had 6 people out about 100 miles and caught some nice fish. On the way back the boat was hit by lightening and went dead in the water. The skipper was knocked out for just a bit but was right back up and triggered his ACR. Coast...
  18. H

    Goodyear Endurance Tire Pressure Chart.

    This chart shows the proper pressure Goodyear recommends to run in their Endurance tires depending on the load per tire. Running max pressure that is indicated on the sidewall when the actual load is far less only subjects the trailer and its suspension to excessive shock loads that are...
  19. H

    Reminder of why Grady has a faithful following

    Today I was poking around in a 228 Seafarer that I bought recently, just looking to see what has been done over the years both good and bad. So far, I have been pleased that not much has been messed with. It has been let go as far as not keeping up with the little maintenance items but nothing...
  20. H

    Paint on Cushions?

    I Recently purchased a 2004, 228. The previous owner who lives in S. Florida wisely kept the cushions in his garage when not in use in an effort to keep the mold/mildew at bay. The day before I was to come over for a sea trial the owner was working so he ask his wife to get the cushions out and...