Search results

  1. lazy grady

    Seat Bracket

    2/13/25 I need a new bracket for my seat on a 1992 GW Explorer. The under seat bracket that fits around the seat box pedestal is broken. See pictures
  2. lazy grady

    Seat Bushion

    1/31/25 my captain's chair seat, plastic bushion (see pictures) has broken. Need source for replacement?
  3. lazy grady

    Spreader Light Lens

    1/19/25 need source for the following:
  4. lazy grady


    8/25/24 need to replace both batteries on my 2014 Mercrusier 350 Mag Stern Drive. Need considerations and recommendations). I use it near shore and back side of Ocracoke Island
  5. lazy grady

    SHURflo Diafram Pumps Model # 8050-204-133

    8/3/24 Reference: SHURflo Diafram Pumps Model # 8050-204-133 I have 2 fresh water pumps on my 1994 GW 24 Explorer Stern Drive. They service the fresh water system on a lavatory in the cabin and also a shower on the gunwall/side wall of the cockpit. Last winter I emptied the water tank...
  6. lazy grady

    Wash down/Livewell System

    7/31/24 My 1994 GW 245 Explorer's fresh water system pump continually runs. I checked the switch. Unhooked all wires. The pump continually runs. I can not locate an access to what appears to be in the GW Diagram as to the 2 pumps under the Port side seat. I checked under the deck by the...
  7. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/25/24 1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system runs hot on water hose and in water. Installed new thermostat, still runs hot. Water expelling from stern drive leg (exhaust ports) running extremely hard at idle as compared to when there was no issues. Thinking that water...
  8. lazy grady


    6/2/24 I have a 24' Grady on a trailer. I want to polish and wax it. The fiberglass is clean and in good shape. I keep the boat on a lift when in use and a covered trailer in the off season. Question: is it worth the effort to polish and wax the under area? I am 75 years old.
  9. lazy grady

    Walk Around Bow Rail

    4/8/24 Relative to my 1992 GW Explorer Walk Around 24', thinking I might reduce bow rails to say 4" to 6 " in height? My thinking is this will eliminate or help eliminate rails hitting while docking as well as provide for no need to provide a gate at the bow sprit given I am mounting a trolling...
  10. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    2/22/24 Went to boat. Cut battery switch on. When I hit PT&T switch to lower motor, motor would not go down even though PT&T motor was running. PT&T motor ran continuously until I cut battery switch off. Tried operation several times, same result. Lowered motor manually. When I cut battery...
  11. lazy grady

    Fresh water gunwal shower nozzle and faucet will not work

    1994 Explorer 245 Plan to work on line issues tomorrow. Both pumps work. What is interesting is, having not changed out any water lines, the pumps both have reached prime individually and run continuously individually on different occasions. Makes me think there is a water line problem in the...
  12. lazy grady

    Fresh Water Pump Issue

    9/8/23 I have 2 model# 850-204-133 Shurflo Diaphragm Pumps on my 1994 Grady White Explorer 245 boat. One pump serves an in cabin, sink faucet. The other a cock pit, gunwal shower and hand washing faucet. They both work off the same switch. There are two distinct water lines running from the...
  13. lazy grady


    9/2/23 As to my Mercrusier 350 Bravo Engine flushing socket and garden hose fitting , There appears to be nothing wrong with my existing parts. i just can not get the "garden hose fitting" to seat with tthe socket fitting. I got it to seat one time. Any suggestions as to getting it to seat?
  14. lazy grady

    Fresh water pump

    1994 GW 245 gunwall faucet and shower is not working. Pump tests out ok. Need thoughts on next step as to diagnosing problem?
  15. lazy grady

    mercrusier rpm guage

    8/18/23 my 2014 mercrusier 350 mag ect will run my 1994 gw 245 explorer (4500 lbs) 38 mph at full throtle. the rpm guage only shows 3800. is the guage bad?
  16. lazy grady

    fresh water pumps

    8/18/23 the pump for my gunwall shower and faucet is not working on my 1994 GW 245 Explorer. I can not locate the access port to the pumps? need info on lication of pumps so as to consider making access port. also need info on style pump to replace it with?
  17. lazy grady


    2/5/23 Can not wrap my head around how solar/inverter system works on my vintage 1992 Walk Around Cabin 24' Explorer? It appears most accessories (tv, microwave, toaster oven) work off ac current by way of the inverter. Refrig/Freezer works off dc. Not sure as to hot water heater, ice maker...
  18. lazy grady

    Mercrusier Engine Issue

    10/16/22 I have a 2014 I/O Stern Drive on my 1994 24’ Grady White. (350 Mercrusier Mag EFI , with less than 100 hours). On two occasions the engine has cut off while at idle and then would not start. Starter would turn over. Some 15 to 30 minutes later after being towed in, it cranked and ran...
  19. lazy grady

    1994 Grady Explorer Gas Tank

    7-31-22 Just emptied 90 gallons of suspect fuel in my 28 year old stainless steel gas tank. I was having "engine pausing" problems in my 2014 I/O 350 Magnum Fuel Injection Engine. The Provider installed a new fuel pressure regulator and fuel filter. He indicated that the old regulator was...
  20. lazy grady

    Burn Rate

    I have a 24' Walk Around Cabin, Hard Top, Explorer Model GW that is a 1992 Model Year. It has been refurbished completely and up fitted for cruising that is estimated to add another 750 pounds of weight. It is powered by a 2009 Yamaha F-250 four stroke outboard with only 600 hours on it. I...