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  1. 1966Mustang

    Tournament 19 Helm Panel Upgrade

    1/4" starboard. Used the bocatech nav/anchor switch, Garmin 54dv upgraded to latest, West Marine 585. Left some space for whatever future trim tab control under the VHF.
  2. 1966Mustang

    Is this club active

    Just wondering if this club or it's member's are still active on here. If so, what are the club details? Thanks! Perry
  3. 1966Mustang

    New-To-Me Tournament 19, E-Tec 150 G2

    My Wellcraft V-20 has been put in drydock with some engine issues. In the meanwhile I am using a 1987 Tournament 19 with an E-Tec G2 150 w/~25hrs. I rather enjoy having a worry-free boat... :D