Search results

  1. Dhirsh

    275 Freedom with t/150’s Vs 200’s

    I sold my 336 and I’m looking for a smaller replacement dual consols. Can anyone lend some insight on the performance difference on the 275 freedom with 150’s and 200’s. Really most concerned if the 150’s are too underpowered for this model?
  2. Dhirsh

    Bilge pump float switch 33 Canyon

    I’ve changed dozens of float switches in boats over the years but this one kicked my butt. 336 has a water tank with a v notch in it at the transom for “access” . The bilge pump and switch is at the bottom aft ( about 2.5’ down) and partially beneath the shelf that holds the water tank. You...
  3. Dhirsh

    Moisture meters and surveyors

    Curious of owners experiences either getting surveys with areas of elevated moisture readings in the transom around scuppers or having a sale canceled because of them? Modern day ( Last 10 Years) Grady transoms with wood are so overbuilt I would think they are probably 25 to 30 year transoms...
  4. Dhirsh

    275 Freedom Performance etc

    Looking at a 275 Freedom with a single 350. Anyone that can share some performance data would be greatly appreciated. Cruise and WOT speed and fuel burn especially. I currently have a 336 with twin 350's so I completely understand the motors. Thanks in advance.
  5. Dhirsh

    Key West Trip

    So I wanted to post a little inspiration for anyone who every thought about taking their Grady on a long trip to the keys. We left Marco Island on Saturday the 28th of August on a day that most people would have advised against. The Hurricane was still in the gulf on the way to Louisiana and we...
  6. Dhirsh

    Panda 4200 Oil Change complete

    So, I did my first oil change on the Panda 4200 Generator in my 336 today myself because I was having a difficult time finding anyone that would come do it. Turns out it‘s very simple. There is no oil filter on the 4200 so its just an oil change every 100 hrs and there is a filter screen nut you...
  7. Dhirsh

    Great weather & quality catch

    Got the Grady out today. Late start but managed a good day with our 2 person grouper limit. Got our 4 and left them biting.
  8. Dhirsh

    Sunday work day ( on the Grady)

    So today was a work day to fix a few lingering items on the boat. 1st was a new garbord drain plug assembly. My marina reported mine was totally stripped both sides. SImple right? Wrong! You’d think they were pretty standard size and you would be wrong. GW OEM is lager diameter and different...
  9. Dhirsh

    Happy Easter Everybody

    A Little Easter brunch by boat in Naples today. 75 degrees and sunny. 30 min boat ride from Marco Island to Hamilton Harbor in Naples and then back. Doesn’t get any better than this. Oh and a belated Wake Wed photo of a pair of flippers behind the boat this week. Hope everyone had a great Easter...
  10. Dhirsh

    Grady Pop up cleat Brand?

    Anyone know who‘s brand pop up cleats that Grady used in and around 2013? I need to add a couple mid ship cleats and several I’m finding look identical with different brand names. Here‘s a pic.
  11. Dhirsh

    Wandering Yamaha Fuel Gauge

    I noticed after replacing all my batteries that my fuel gauge seems to wander up and down from full to about 1/3. Totally random and highly inaccurate. I know exactly how much fuel I have because I reset the logs every time I fuel and the fuel burn on the Yamaha gauge isn’t affected . Was going...
  12. Dhirsh

    What are you paying for insurance?

    Just curious What others are paying. I’m at $3200 per year with Geico on a 2013 33 Canyon. Rack stored in a Hurricane rated building.
  13. Dhirsh

    Battery Charger question

    So went to put the 336 in the water today after sitting a few weeks and the batteries were dead. They are going on 3 years old so not unexpected. My charger has been working fine but is original and really corroded. I decided that while I was in there with the batteries I’d go ahead and replace...
  14. Dhirsh

    336 catch box

    Anyone removed their 336/33 express non refrigerated fish box. Curious how much play there is around it. Thinking about making mine into a freezer and coiling the outside with refrigeration coil. Wondering how much room there is left after a wrap of 3/8 coil and some insulation to cover it up...
  15. Dhirsh

    Finally hit the water this weekend

    Been working on my new to me Grday 33 Canyon for about 2.5 months and finally hit the water this weekend. Fantastic first outing with a boat load of American Red Snapper and grouper four our efforts. Totaled about 270 miles on her and she performed excellent. Have a new hit list to work out but...
  16. Dhirsh

    Enclosure storage Hack

    I have a 33 Canyon 2013 with all the 3 sided enclosure canvas and clear panels. I don't keep them up unless needed and wanted a way to carry them on the boat without scratching them up. I went on a Jeep parts site and bought a flat zippered storage bag made for the soft doors on a Jeep Wrangler...
  17. Dhirsh

    Repowering 336 Canyon

    So I recently became the proud owner of a 2013 336. A bit of a distress sale because one of the 350 Yamahas has a blown power head and the other has a shot gearcase. Between the two I have the makings for one running motor with around 1300 hours total use. My options are to try and find a second...