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    228G Windshield Motor Replacement

    TIme to replace my windshield motors on my 1994 228G and wondering what the writing means on these motors. Trying to find out the specs on these motors such as degree of swing and shaft length. These wiper motors have never parked, they just stop wherever they are when I turn the switch off so...
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    New motor Arriving: Is my Engine Mount Good?

    Took my 2006 mercuary optimax engine off my 1994 Grady White seafarer 228G this weekend and the paint on the motor mount looks delaminated. I'm bringing my boat to the dealer to have a new engine installed in a week. What can I do to confirm that my engine mount is not rotted and if it is, what...
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    Mounting Batteries in Bow

    Considering moving my batteries to the bow of my 1994 seafarer 228G since I'm repowering with a Yamaha F250XSB motor which is a bit heavier at 610lbs compared to my previous Mercuary optimax 200xl at 517lbs. I weight tested it by adding sand bags to my engine and it's definitely sitting lower...
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    Best way to Remove Reserve Oil Tank?

    Switching from 2 stroke to a 4 stroke so no longer need my oil reserve tank. However, the tank is too large to come out no matter the orientation and have even tried it without covers. I assume they put it in when the livewell was out but I don't want to go down that rabbit hole. Any suggestions...
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    228G Engine Mount Compatibility?

    Have a 1994 Grady White Seafarer 228g that has a 2006 Mercury 200XL but it recently died. I'm repowering with a new Yamaha F250 and considering mounting it myself to save money. Is the motor mount of my grady standardardized so I can just bolt on my new Yamaha or is it possible I'll need to...
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    Repower Options: Seafarer 228G

    My 2006 optimax 200XL engine with only 620 hours has a bad power head and it's time to repower my 1996 Seafarer 228G. Looking through the Grady pamflet it looks like a new engine has to meeting the following specs: Max HP: 280HP O/B Shaft Length: 25" I was happy with the 200HP engine on there...
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    Replacement Cable Gland for Engine?

    Where would I find a part number or replacement cable gland for the stern of my 1996 Grady White Seafarer 228G? Cables are running to engine.