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    Receptacles under gunwale

    Is it possible that electric downriggers were mounted on boat? Plugs with receptacles were my choice for my electric downriggers.
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    Kicker question

    I fished the great lakes trolling with a 2001 Adventure 208 with a Yam T8 High Thrust. Motor was mounted on permanent bracket but had power tilt on motor to get it out of water. Motor steered off of main motor when trolling with a steering arm attachment (may have been a panther). This...
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    Water intrusion???? 228 Seafarer

    water It's not uncommon for ALL fiberglass hulls to have a very small amount of water infiltration. F/G by nature, is not totally impervious to water. I have a 2001 Adventure that has absolutely dry bilge, but that seems to be the exception, rather than the rule! Good luck!