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  1. B

    1980 overnighter with a raised stern.

    We bought it in South Jersey but we live in Edison and so we launched it from the Rartian river and everything was great. We went to do it again but they closed the ramps so now the boat is winterized and going to play with it in the spring again.
  2. B

    1980 overnighter with a raised stern.

    Hey thanks for the info about stringers. The other owner gutted the boat. This CL link should help But I know he had the gas tank out to do some work but nothing about the floor. He did give me some pics that shows the work. That could...
  3. B

    1980 overnighter with a raised stern.

    Hi everybody. My dad and I just bought a 1980 overnighter from a guy who did a complete overhaul on both hull and engine. A few things bugs be but the scariest thing that I am hoping that is not going to sink the boat is this crack in the stern. I do not know were exactly all the supports are...