
  1. Sea Shift

    265 Express overhead Rod holder

    Anyone with a 265 or similar ever installed an aftermarket Rod Rack like this? The origional on mine is mounted on the roof and they site at least 8 inches higher. I am a shorter guy and thought this might be a suitable replacement? What are your thoughts. It could be that this may be too short...
  2. BRO-CAL

    B275 or B265 thru-hull transducer on Express 330

    I’m looking to install a B275LHW thru-hull transducer on an Express 330 but it is a beast of a transducer and space in the aft bilge with generator is very tight. Is anyone running this or the B265 thru-hull transducer on an Express 330? If so, please let me know where you mounted it. Not...
  3. Sea Shift

    Whats this?

    Anyone know what this thing circled in yellow is? Its connected to the back side of the perko switch. Its from a 2002 GW 265 Express
  4. BRO-CAL

    Express 330 or 370 in San Diego?

    Hi All - does anyone have an Express 330 or 370 in the San Diego area? I'm in the market for one and would like to take a look at the layout of both boats to figure out which direction to go. Thanks! Mike