
  1. jenbl4ze

    How far out in the ocean would you travel from land?

    I have a 2006 258 Journey with a single 250 Yamaha in excellent shape. The fact its a single engine always deters me from going past 10 miles or so. I boat out of Cape May NJ and would love to go for some tuna soon but that single engine always makes me think twice or more! What do ya think?
  2. O

    Easy way to clean this Corrosion?

    Hi guys, new to this forum, and new to fiberglass boat/ also new to Grady White boats, lol. I just picked up a 24' Offshore Pro, and would like to clean this corrosion off/ shine the metal up nice. This boat will be a fresh water boat from now on, and not see salt water. Any tips/ advise? Thanks!!