'02 Evinrude 200 Fichts or '01 Merc 200 EFIs


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
St. Leonard, MD
I'm trying to decided between a pair of '02 Evinrude 200 Fichts (BRP manufacturered) and a pair of '01 Merc 200 EFIs. Price will be about the same for each...

Pro's for the Evinrudes:

-Direct injection for better fuel economy.
-Warranty until May 2010 (3rd party I believe).

Con's for the Evinrudes:

-Poor reputation due to early year Ficht failures may impact resale.
-Heavy at about 510 lbs. each.
-More maintenance. I've heard they require plug replacements ever 50 hours and the plugs must be indexed.

Pro's for the Mercs:

-Good reputation as a proven motor and I've gotten excellent service from my previous Mercs.
-Light at about 425 lbs. each.
-They just look cool. :D

Con's for the Mercs:

-One motor has a rebuilt powerhead (I'm not keen on these and would feel better if it were a Merc rebuild, but am talking to the shop that did the work tomorrow to try and get a feel for the quality of the job).
-No warranty.
-EFI technology will burn more fuel.

So, what do you guys think???? Evinrude or Merc? I was hoping to find a nice set of used 200 OX66s or HPDIs simply because most buyers would want Yamaha (they're not my preference), but no luck so far...
You lookin' to repower for resale only or are you thinking you'll be with these engines for a while? Either way you know what you can expect from the Merc's while the Ficht's, BRP or not still raise concerns.
cdwood said:
You lookin' to repower for resale only or are you thinking you'll be with these engines for a while?

Both. My goal is still to sell, but I want something that will be a solid engine if I end up having to keep her.
Most people will walk away if they see a Ficht on the back or give it 0 value (I would). Warranty or no warranty a buyer doesn't want a headache, it's still downtime if an engine dies.

I wouldn't be happy with the Merc either. Is a buyer going to take the time to judge the quality of a machine shop just to buy your boat? There are pleanty of boats for sale so there is a lot of competition.

If it was for your personal use it's a toss-up but for trying to sell it, keep looking.
The mercs (if I had to). Public opinion on the fichts is that they are boat anchors, and yes, no one would want to buy your boat with them on there.

I would keep shopping too. There were a lot of HPDI take offs for four strokes. Wonder what happened to all of them?

You didn't say what you were having to give for them, that would certainly weight my opinion. Ed's sells some new motors pretty cheap, even new HPDI's or Opti's. New suzuki's?

EDIT: Here's a pair of '03 200HPDI's for $14,500 on ebay: search item 320304653688

That's seams like a bargain to me.
gw204 said:
I'm only looking to spend about $8K.

Slim pickens. Good luck unless you up the $, you probably will not even find a pair of OX-66's (with decent hours) for that much. What did you sell your 225's for?
I have got to be honest - up to about 12K and get a set of HPDI's
As mentioned - there are bunch being taken off and selling for pretty reasonable -
I have been watching as I have two 2000 hpdi 200hp hanging off the back of my boat -

I was orginaly thinking if I had an issue with a motor I would put four strokes on - now with prices of low hour twins in the 12K bracket I would just put anothe HPDI on - hopefully I wont ever be faced with that desicion -

Besides, if you ever go to sell - yamaha has been in bed with grady for a while now and people shopping for a used boat may see some flags with merc of evinrude on a grady (I know, years ago they came with choice)!

Appreciate your honesty Tim. :)

Now, let me do the same. I've looked at a lot of used 200 HPDIs and it seems that 50% or more have had powerheads replaced in the first 400 hours. That doesn't instill a great sense of confidence for me.

Ultimately, I do want to sell, but given the market/economy it's very likely that I won't be able to because I'm not willing to take a bath. So given that fact, I'm looking for motors that I will be confident in for no or little more than I sold the other ones for.
Once I was convinced that these sets of engines are the best value i could find in my price range (which I am sure you have done), i would ask myself if I was looking to buy two identical boats with either the Fichts or the Mercs, which would I choose.

i'd probably go with the Mercs. A better chance I could fix something if it did go wrong, better avaiability of parts, larger number of service techs, and better resale.
Bob's Cay said:
Once I was convinced that these sets of engines are the best value i could find in my price range (which I am sure you have done), i would ask myself if I was looking to buy two identical boats with either the Fichts or the Mercs, which would I choose.

Good point. When looking at it that way, I would pic the Mercs too...once I was convinced the rebuild was quality work.
I just went through the small used boat buying experience. You helped me out by checking that GW 20' center console down in St. Mary's-I walked. For what its worth, I walked away from a great Mako 21 for a good price because it had a 2001 Ficht 200, and a Contender 21 because it had a 2003 250 Bombardier. I've never owned a ficht motor, but I talked to 2 mechanics I trust and both said they'd walk--one more adamantly than the other. I would've bought either boat, but those are the mechanics I would've brought the boat to if it broke, so that was it. I know the Bombardier fans say that you just have to find a mechanic that's good with those motors, which I apparently couldn't do.

Sooooooooo, long story, but I'd have bought either boat if it had a Merc Opti or EFI on the back. I almost prefer the EFIs--they have a bullett-proof rep. I had 1993 twin 175 Mercs on a boat (carbs) and I sold it with close to 2000 hours. I saw it 7 years later getting repowered--the repower place told me that the motors still ran fine, the owner just got tired of the smoke (lots, especially on start up) and wanted 4-strokes.

Get the Mercs.

John F.

Thanks again for your previous help.