we towed the boat to monterey on thursday, launched and took a 25 mile run down the coast to point sur. fishing was fast and easy. we had four stringers of nice fish for the four of us, limits all around. the big stringer was probably 70 pounds of beautiful vermillion. the second stringer was easily 40 pounds. we also kept the smaller ones because of the 100 foot depth we were fishing. anything that you hoist up from a 100 foot depth is going to suffer some degree of barotrauma. i know that people say that fish can survive if they are quickly repressurized, but i prefer to keep those fish rather than take others.
hoping that lightening would strike twice, we took the same run on sunday, three days later. we had a big storm coming our way. it was due to hit the coast in 24 hours and we already had south winds and a big low pressure zone. and wouldn't you guess? fishing was a bust. we got only four of the larger reds and handful of smaller school fish. i could see them on the meter, but they all had lockjaw. still a nice day on the water. just frustrating.
since the beginning of october, we've had a series of storms blow through northern california. local inshore rockcod fishing has been spotty and the water that held all of those albacore has been broken up. it's tough getting guys to run for albacore when the run is 70-80 miles one way and the fish are scattered. it's looking pretty tough, but it's not over yet!

hoping that lightening would strike twice, we took the same run on sunday, three days later. we had a big storm coming our way. it was due to hit the coast in 24 hours and we already had south winds and a big low pressure zone. and wouldn't you guess? fishing was a bust. we got only four of the larger reds and handful of smaller school fish. i could see them on the meter, but they all had lockjaw. still a nice day on the water. just frustrating.

since the beginning of october, we've had a series of storms blow through northern california. local inshore rockcod fishing has been spotty and the water that held all of those albacore has been broken up. it's tough getting guys to run for albacore when the run is 70-80 miles one way and the fish are scattered. it's looking pretty tough, but it's not over yet!