1981 255 sailfish purchase


New Member
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
Shelton, CT
I have the opportunity to purchase a 81 255 sailfish with twin 1989 rude outboards, hard top, Furuno electronics, original tank's with new hoses no water or gas smell. The transom is solid,no hollow sounds, firm no flex when pressure is applied to the motors and the deck is solid. The boat topside needs extensive cleaning from winter storage. asking price is $9500. Any known problems that anyone knows of with this model?
If my offer is accepted and I close the deal, my plan would be to run the 89's until they need to be replaced. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
Are you saying the transom sounds solid or is the seller stating this? There is a difference between sounding and being solid. I've seen transom's that needed recoring that sounded solid, it is not the fiberglass that goes, it is the core behind it that can rot, so it still may sound solid. You cannot check this from the outside unless you drill holes, an inspection from the inside is better, but to really know, you need to know what to look for or have it checked by a pro. The sound of fiberglass can sound solid, but if the transom core has delaminated, it cannot support the loads applied by an outboard. Not trying to scare ya, just want you to be certain it is in the condition you believe it to be in. There is a chance the transom is good, but if it is not it could be more work then you are ready for, or more money then you wish to spend. As for the engines, have them compression tested to see if they will get you through a season or two. If the hull is in the condition you state, that is a great deal and the boat will make you very happy. Repower in a year or two and you will have a great rig. Best of luck!! Let us know how you make out.
be careful, its an 81? Check it out. A bad transom of rot could cost you well over 10k.
The price is ok but go thru the boat with a fine tooth comb. Pull the decks and look at eveything and if the hull is solid then your 1/2 way there. If the motors are ok yea you may get 2 to five years and remember they burn about 24 gallons an hour at cruise.

rot repairs $10,000 plus
Repower wih new units-$33,000 ballpark.
tanks $2000 plus

And who knows what else you need

canvas,electircal work,pumps,steering,controls, thurhulls, and yes tanks need to come out now.

Not trying to scare you just letting you know what might be in the future. :wink:
checked it out well huh ???

the best way to check for delamination or rotting,in my opinion,is to gently tap around the cored areas...you're gonna hear a sharp distinct sound when all's right with the world...a dull thud means trouble...if i were you,i would take the time to do exactly what i stated...if you're unsure,then i reccomend you consult someone who's qualified to inspect this for you.the cost of that inspection is gonna pay for itself if a potential problem is found...
1989 engines...who cares what year they are,if they compression test within specs,and they run well,and turn up full power then where's the problem ??? it's like this witht he old school 2 stroke carb'd engines,use the ten percent rule...take 10% of the total hp...example,you got twin 200's,that's 400hp,right...take 10%,40,that's about what the boat's gonna burn flat out,40gph...take approx 50% of that number for cruise speed...
pay attention to prop size,get the engines spinning at their full max rated rpm and you're set...
255 purchase

Thanks for all your input. I am setting up a survey and will make a decision within a week or two. I will take and post several pics when we survey the boat.