1994 Spirit 175 Bow to Console Wiring


Active Member
Jul 16, 2024
Reaction score
North Carolina
I'm having a devil of a time getting a fish tape from the starboard access port to the console.

I have the user manual and I can run a wire fish into the starboard/forward rigging tube where the bow light wiring runs. The fish goes in that end unobstructed and many feet of fish can be pushed through; enough to reach the back of the boat. That tube has to be ending and the fish just running off into a cavity under the floor.

Can anyone weigh in who has successfully pulled a wire this way. I've seen some old posts but none say exactly where that rigging tube ends or how they captured the fish on that end. I certainly can't feel it or see it.

This is such a pita I dreamed last night about just laying a short run of wire mold raceway across the floor from the console to the gunwale cavity. It was hot yesterday and twisting around inside the console cavity led me to many quotes of Sergeant Hulka in the movie Stripes
Hmmm. Is it a stiff tape? Flip the tape upside down and see if that works? Can you run the tape from the other end, instead? The rigging tube would have to be broken in order for the tape to NOT be showing up at the other end.
I was an electrician for 15 years. Pretty sure I'm fairly adept with a fish tape.

I need to know the location of the end of the forward rigging tube on the console end.

In the wiring diagram it is shown as just ending and the bow light wiring just magically jumps over to the console.
I was an electrician for 15 years. Pretty sure I'm fairly adept with a fish tape.
How would we know that from your first post?

Aren't you able to follow the wires by starting underneath the console? It's hard to say without being there looking at it in person. But I've never come across one that was all that hard to figure out once you really got your head in there.
The rigging pipe from the starboard access port to the console does exist. It terminates at the right rear corner of the console. I found using a fish to pull a large cable (2x#6awg) to be problematic as the fish/wire junction kept hanging on something in the pipe. I dumped some dishwashing soap in there and was able to push it through by hand. There is a plate in that corner that holds the boot which covers the console to aft wiring and control cabling. You have to lift that plate to access the small (~3"x4") cutout in the floor where you can see the end of the rigging pipe. I was unable to contort enough to see in there until I took the lower console door off and moved the leaning post back. A smaller younger person could probably do it without doing any of that.

Side note: I wonder at the necessity of the console to aft battery/wiring area rigging tube. I found that running a fish into the forward/starboard access port and just keep pushing it the end of the fish came out in the starboard/aft battery area. So if you find your console to aft rigging port is full never fear, you can still run what ever you want through whatever cavity is under the aft decking. I think the same applies for reaching the starboard/port oil reservoir area.

Later, I'm out.........;)