1999 GW 209* Escape wash down pump question.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2008
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I Just bought a 1999 GW 209 Escape and I want to add a washdown pump. But on my switch panel does not have the a switch for washdown. It has 3 acc switch. I think the pump require 15amp. breaker. Is anyone know where can I find which switch for 15amp for these 3 acc. switch. Thanks.
Remove the panel and check the switch's. Should be printed on the base of the switch.

My guess is, they are all rated for 15, but if they're below that you can pop them out and replace them. Don't know who the manufacturer is, but you might find that info on the switch too. Then you could do a search.

You could get one from a grady dealer, but your going to pay a premium. They should also have a "washdown" label, (legend).
My washdowm pump was added and uses the first ACC position on the switch panel. Everything works fine.
208 Adventure