I would disagree on not financing a 20 year old boat, or almost 20 year old boat, especially if you can get a great interest rate, or if you want to keep your money in the bank, etc. Back in October of 2021 when I bought my boat, I financed it and it was almost 20 years old at the time. I've got a low interest rate through my credit union, the monthly payment of just over $300 a month is very doable and I have no regrets in doing so. At the time, I had the money in the bank to buy it, but I also wanted to save that money for a rainy day if I ever needed it, and I'm glad I left it in there. Do whatever makes financial sense for you in your particular situation, not what makes sense for others. Though I will definitely agree that buying something brand new rarely ever seems to make sense as a few years later it will almost always be worth considerably less, or sometimes even half of what it was when you bought it. That, and shop around, especially on the east coast when shopping for boats, cars, trucks, RV's, motorcycles and so on. Lots of vehicles on the east coast can be found for half the price, or sometimes even less, of what they sell for out here on the west coast/PNW area. Which is exactly why I've purchased all 3 of my boats back on the east coast, because of the price. I bought my latest boat for $26.5k and three different boats that were almost identical to mine have sound out here in the Seattle area since then for $55k-$65k.