2002 222 center console valuation


Apr 15, 2017
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Considering this boat from a neighbor…need help on value/offer

2002 Gw 222 cc
new Ttop fabric
new switch panel and 9 inch combo
new coating bolsters
rest of cushions are B+ shape
new bottom paint job

2005 Yamaha F250 with 750hrs

tandem trailer in good shape

thanks in advance
My 2006 w/F250 paid 30k in 2020. Suggesting you look at a couple of things: transom/stringers/deck (for rot & soft spots) & engine (look at maintenance records). Strongly suggest a survey. Things get pricey quick. Great boat though...I love mine.
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Where are you located at? Boats out here in the Seattle area are often 2-3x more expensive than you find them on the east coast and elsewhere throughout the country, which is why I always buy out east and drive them back to Seattle. I've always found that the best way to measure something's value is to see what similar items sell for. I'd look at similar boats, in similar locations to yours, see what they're listed for and if they actually sell. There's a couple similar ones on Boat Trader and Boats.com that are in the high $20k's to low/mid $30k's and that seems like the "approximate range" for what you're looking for, at least on the east coast and southeast like Florida. As always, I recommend anyone buying a boat to have it inspected and especially have the outboard inspected for the dry exhaust corrosion issues that they are known to potentially have. Good luck with your search.
Between post #1 and post #2, the motor added 250 hours:)
So high 20s is a fair deal for both parties
As mentioned above... it's going to depend on a few different things like your location which you should mention to give us a better idea of value, as well as the actual condition of the boat, what kind of trailer it has, how many hours are on the motor, electronics that come with it, accessories and so forth. If I had to throw out a number I'd say that the high $20k's to low $30k's range is probably fair for both parties. Though again, this is very much dependent on the actual condition of the boat, hours on the motor, electronics/accessories and so forth. A boat that has been neglected like crazy, that has 2 stroke power and/or an outboard with over 2k hours on it, one that needs a bunch of work done to the trailer to make it safe and has outdated or no electronics/accessories is obviously going to bring a lot less money. Comparatively, a pristine looking boat of the same year with 4 stroke power and/or lower hours on the motor that has a brand new trailer, brand new electronics and so forth is going to go for obviously more money. What is your neighbor's asking price?

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