2003 265 Express question


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island NY

While working on the boat the last several days I have been puttering with the radar & gps and inputing some waypoints and so on. I have also been playing the radio. This morning I found the batteries are just about dead so i put the charger on them this evening. The boat is out back in the yard with no shore power attachment. Would this be normal for the batteries to drain that quickly or would you think these batteries are shot?

Thanks, Dan
If they are the original batteries, they likely are shot. If they are a couple of years old, they may be shot depending on how they were treated (it is bad to run them all the way down). Given the problems you face without battery power, I would just replace them so you will know.
if they are original batteries you were beyond lucky that they lasted this long- three years max on batteries and its time to replace!
I think I mentioned this on another thread, but I replace two of the four batteries every year. In other words, every season I have to fresh and two one year old batteries on board!
Those radars draw quite a bit of power...
Thanks Gents and yes Fin you did mention this in another thread, As you know I bought the boat last month and the prior owner is out of the country so I am unable to varify the age of these batteries so,,, Went to West Marine yesterday and purchased fresh power. I am also adding an additional battery (Total = three) the marine tech is coming by today to install them for me.

I am adding the third battery on the starboard side and per your advise I am having him isolate the third one on a seperate line but attached to the charger.

Thanks again,,,,
It is possible the previous owner did not charge them and left them on the boat all winter. They may just need a good charging, your local mechanic can check that for you. Running your radar uses the most power most likely, but it should not have killed the batteries. It is possible that you could have drained them but if they were fully charged you should not have. I agree, I would replace some if not all of the batteries if you can, at the least have them checked that they will hold a charge and get them fully charged. When we bought our 265 I played with the electronics also but my batteries did not die, they were also only 1 year old and were just fully charged and put back in the boat after winter storage.
Tunateaser said:
As you know I bought the boat last month and the prior owner is out of the country ,

I completely forgot..... we talked about this.... ugh... the first sign of old age! :shock: :roll:
No Worries Fin, I am strating to have those mements as well.

I hate to be a pest about this battery issue but it seems I get better information and advise here that what the Marine tech is telling me.

So today he installed the third battery which I had to return the 745 and go with the smaller 650 because the 745 would not fit in the starboard side with the other 745. 12inch 745 opposed to the 9inch 650. He isolated the 650 but used a red wire that was one size / gauge larger than the factory wire running through the 40 amp breaker. So from the battery switch to the battery I have a wire that I can not find the right size round connector that goes over the battery terminal. Why would one use a larger wire than what runs through the 40 amp breaker that was a factory standard. Has this job been done incorrectly, will I be blowing fuses with the larger wire or am I worring about nothing???
Tunateaser said:
No Worries Fin, I am strating to have those mements as well.

I hate to be a pest about this battery issue but it seems I get better information and advise here that what the Marine tech is telling me.

So today he installed the third battery which I had to return the 745 and go with the smaller 650 because the 745 would not fit in the starboard side with the other 745. 12inch 745 opposed to the 9inch 650. He isolated the 650 but used a red wire that was one size / gauge larger than the factory wire running through the 40 amp breaker. So from the battery switch to the battery I have a wire that I can not find the right size round connector that goes over the battery terminal. Why would one use a larger wire than what runs through the 40 amp breaker that was a factory standard. Has this job been done incorrectly, will I be blowing fuses with the larger wire or am I worring about nothing???

gimme a call...i'll walk you through some stuff...609-214-7556
The factory is interested in making money. If a #10 wire fits the code they will use it and save money.

Going larger will never hurt (to a point) you will have less voltage drop and more area for the connection. Search around and you'll find the right connector.

If you're having trouble ask, it's better than screwing things up.

If the batteries were abused, they're probably low on water and if they were not deep cells, once they're drained they're shot. The plates are too thin and will be wiped.
Thanks Gentlemen,

Found the corect connector this morning and installed it with the shrink wrap over the 1/8" of exposed wire at the connection. Turned off the battery swiches to the motors and ran the radar, radio, GPS and anchor lights for three hours on the isolated battery without issue. Seems I am good to go.

Thanks Again