2004 257 Center Console Price Question


Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Long Island Sound
I'm looking at 2004 257 Center console with 2004 Yamaha 300 2-stroke. Has t-top (which I actually don't want), Northstar gps/fishfinder and vhf, cd/stereo). Maintenance records indicate no problems with engine and low hours. Price quoted is $45,000. Do folks think this is a fair price? Thanks.
NADA puts hull low retail , no options at $26k. The HDPI 300 was a bomb (short run and relaunched under new name) engine they are a dime a dozen new and used. I've seen them sold new in box for around $12k so dealers could get rid of them.

Some will run long, some won't regardless it adversly affects retail. Depending on condition and based on how bad the seller wants out my offer would be $30k-$35k tops. But my boat buying stretegy is different than most. It's a buyers market. jh
I would look for that boat with an F250 rather than the 300--You will find a much better resale with the F250--As the previous poster stated, the 300 is a questionable engine.

Mid 40's should be able to get you a decent 257 with F250 power in today market--
jehines3 said:
NADA puts hull low retail , no options at $26k. The HDPI 300 was a bomb (short run and relaunched under new name) engine they are a dime a dozen new and used. I've seen them sold new in box for around $12k so dealers could get rid of them.

Some will run long, some won't regardless it adversly affects retail. Depending on condition and based on how bad the seller wants out my offer would be $30k-$35k tops. But my boat buying stretegy is different than most. It's a buyers market. jh
What new name would that be?
I thought the 300 was completely discontinued ??

I may be wrong but thought i heard something about them stopping production this year--
You are correct. The 225 and 250 were renamed the VMAX. Since the 300 was not renamed it will likey be discontinued. jh
Thanks for the advice. I went a head and took the plunge, at a somewhat lower price than quoted above.