2021 306 Canyon Switches removal


Jun 15, 2024
Reaction score
Canyon 306
How difficult is it to remove the switches and circuit breakers on the black panel for the 2021 306 Canyon? I am replacing the back panel and will be reinstalling the existing switches and compass.
Not sure on your Canyon as you have a different console shape,
but once you unscrew the black panel there should be enough cable slack to work behind the panel to remove the switches and breakers.
You can pop out the carling switches from behind. There may be som kind of locking "wings" holding them in place and you must close them to allow switch to pop out.
The breakers are usually screwed to the panel with the nut inside the black rubber hat, just turn the rubber boot and the breaker come loose and can be pushed back out of the panel.

If you wan't to remove all switches and breakers you should label the cables to reduce guesswork when reassembling all.
Should you have enough space and long enough cables then you may pull one by one from the old panel and install it directly on the new panel, that would avoid to label them.

Pictures would help for those of us that don't know your exact layout. But switch/panel removal is pretty much the same from boat to boat to boat. As noted above, it's very straight forward, too. So, to answer your question of "how hard is it"... it's "easy"!
Not sure on your Canyon as you have a different console shape,
but once you unscrew the black panel there should be enough cable slack to work behind the panel to remove the switches and breakers.
You can pop out the carling switches from behind. There may be som kind of locking "wings" holding them in place and you must close them to allow switch to pop out.
The breakers are usually screwed to the panel with the nut inside the black rubber hat, just turn the rubber boot and the breaker come loose and can be pushed back out of the panel.

If you wan't to remove all switches and breakers you should label the cables to reduce guesswork when reassembling all.
Should you have enough space and long enough cables then you may pull one by one from the old panel and install it directly on the new panel, that would avoid to label them.

Thank you.
My switch panel harness had several Mollex connectors inline with the boat harness that allowed me to disconnect it. I did all the work to replace the panel on my workbench.