204 bilge water passages


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island,NY
I have a 1985 Fisherman 204 that I will be replacing the fuel tank in. I noticed a lot of bilge water sitting at the aft end of the fuel tank (after removing the deck hatch) and was wondering if this water should be making its way back to the stern where the bilge pump is located. I couldn't find any holes in the wall that might have been plugged, but it seems to me water should find its way all the way aft?? Does someone have an answer on this one?? Thanks!

1985 Fisherman 204
Long Island, NY
My 85 204c has a pvc drain in the aft bulkhead that leads to the bilge but I keep it plugged so as to not to allow bilge water to travel forward into gas tank compatment. If the water your seeing can't get out you need to find out how it's getting in.
I kept the fuel tank drain plugged as well during the season. My intention was to keep bilge water out of the compartment so everything stayed dry.

I would only open the drain during winter storage.
How would you know if a leak developed and filled the compartment with water? Float the tank?

On boats with I/Os, the plug should be in, but removed periodically to drain any water.
Kept in to keep a gas leak from entering engine bay and going boom boom.

How does the water entering the anchor locker reach the the stern ? Had it's own tube?
Thanks everyone for coming back so quickly! If there is a drain plug, is it reached from the fuel tank side, or the aft compartment side? I fished around in the water on the fuel tank side, but couldn't find any plug. Maybe i need to check the other side of the bulkhead?

The plug is reached from the bilge side of the bulkhead. Not easy to see or reach it should be in front of your bilge pump.
BobP said:
How would you know if a leak developed and filled the compartment with water? Float the tank?

On boats with I/Os, the plug should be in, but removed periodically to drain any water.
Kept in to keep a gas leak from entering engine bay and going boom boom.

How does the water entering the anchor locker reach the the stern ? Had it's own tube?

Bob, there is a seperate pvc tube that runs from the forward bilge thru gas tank coffin and into aft bilge.
something that has surprised me is the Grady "design" feature of draining the anchor locker into the bilge. All of my other boats ,about 6, have had an overboard drain for the anchor locker.....seems to make more sense to me.You could ship a lot of water thru' the anchor locker in heavy seas. Especially if you lost your hatch.........
Correction, anchor locker on this boat drains to the port side walkway but forward bilge drains as stated.