208 starboard list

RI Adventure

Oct 2, 2022
Reaction score
My '94 Adventure 208 has a definite, slight list to starboard. Is this typical, and simply the result of the batteries, controls & rigging being on that side of the boat?

It lists at rest with n one on it?
Did it always?

Listing at rest is not unusual but if a hull all of a sudden lists there has to be a reason.
It can be a lot of things like extra gear on the starboard side, water in the bilge and or wet foam, a shifted gas tank or other tank, installation of larger or more batteries and more.
Yes, it has for the 2 years that I've owned it. It's minor enough that I'm fine with it if they're all like that. When I remove the tank this winter to replace it I'll check and confirm that there's no water trapped outboard of that right stringer.
They are not all like that as a rule.
One thing to look at is to eyeball and note the water line distance relative to the rub rail or maybe the bottom paint line if you have bottom paint.
Measure at a forward spot and at the transom. Select a forward spot that can be remembered such as where a bow cleat is. When you boat is listing, the distances will be shorter on the side the list is towards. Make a note of the measurements and the gas tank readings. No one should be on the boat when eyeballing the water line since your weight will skew your readings. The difference normally would be consistent for a relatively empty tank and a full tank. If the amount of list is noticeably more for an tank a quarter full as opposed to full that would tell you that the tank may be off center or misaligned since that can cause fuel (and its weight) to pool towards one side more than the other. In general though if it has listed 'forever' and the list is not extreme, I wouldn't worry about it.

Your comments about things like batteries on one side may be valid also. One way to check is to place a weight (like a bucket or two of water) aft on the opposite side of the list and see how the hull reacts. If that corrects the list, you have to decide if you want to move stuff ( can be a pain and nor worth it) or place ballast in the aft locker or other area to compensate). Remember that adding ballast aft may lower the hull in the water
Check for sensitivity using the trim tabs and when you have folks moving around underway.
Could be just weight distribution and heavy thinks like water, waste, fuel, battery location and level.
I wouldn't be overly concerned until you investigate things more.