22' Seafarer motor dam/back splash


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
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The 95 22' Seafarer I bought does not have a back splash. I don't know why it was removed but it was. Its very clean, no holes, several screws across the bottom where I'd imagine they once secured a bracket for the motor well dam/back splash.
It doesn't look bad and I don't normally make it a point to go out in bad weather. I live on a fairly tame lake too but I'd still like to get one installed.
What are my options? Order one from a dealer or are there aftermarket ways to get one.
any info is welcome

I would go ahead and make one. It's nothing more than 2- stainless piano hinges and a couple of pieces of 1/2" sheet of nylon6 or similar material.

If you can’t figure out the dimensions I’d gladly measure out mine for you.
As stated above you can easily make one if you are reasonably handy with woodworking tools. Use King Marine Starboard; the spalsh guard is composed of three pieces, two catches and one ss piano hinge. I also could make a template for you but knowing the excellent results I've had with Grady White customer service I'd bet that if you contacted them they might be able to supply you with factory drawings.

I've also had success seeking parts from salvage dealers. Thanks to the unfortunate ravages of Katrina, Andrew, Rita et al there are many damaged Gradys. Try these: www.Bobsmarinesalvage.com;www. floridaboatersguide.com/parts.php; www.yachtsalvage.com; www.salvagenarine.com.

The way Grady has designed the splashguard it also serves as a rigging station; the top piece is a cutting board with slots for knives and pliers. As is typical of them, they thought of everything. I've had seven boats and I simply can't say enough good about my 226 Seafarer. My hands can only be removed from the wheel by surgery.
Thanks for those sites! The links don't work but if you remove the . at the end I got them to work.