228G Engine Mount Compatibility?


Active Member
Feb 16, 2021
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Have a 1994 Grady White Seafarer 228g that has a 2006 Mercury 200XL but it recently died. I'm repowering with a new Yamaha F250 and considering mounting it myself to save money. Is the motor mount of my grady standardardized so I can just bolt on my new Yamaha or is it possible I'll need to drill holes?
Even if the hole spacing is the same, the difference in engine weight may make it necessary to use different mounting heights.
Measuring your existing hole spacing shouldn't be too difficult. If you have access to the Yami, measure that also and compare.
I suppose that asking a repower shop would help
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Have a 1994 Grady White Seafarer 228g that has a 2006 Mercury 200XL but it recently died. I'm repowering with a new Yamaha F250 and considering mounting it myself to save money. Is the motor mount of my grady standardardized so I can just bolt on my new Yamaha or is it possible I'll need to drill holes?
It's not whether the holes on the Grady are standardized... it's if the holes drilled into the boat for the Merc bracket will line up with the holes in the Yamaha bracket... in other words, does the Merc match the Yamaha. In this size range (HP) I would think they are? But get your hands on an installation guide for the Yamaha as it will have a template in it. Or just go measure the Yamaha hole spacing and then compare.

In the end, though, it's a moot point - you'll know when you get the engine and can then just pop some new holes in the transom if needed. In other words, knowing "ahead of time" doesn't really change things :)
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