265 express home in OZ


GreatGrady Captain
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Townsville Australia
G'day to all of my grady friends, from OZ (australia) I have just arrived home in Townsville NQ after picking Up my 265 express in the port of Brisbane some 900 miles from here.
Having purchased "short black" on the net some 3 months ago it has been a waiting game ever since. Although she shows some signs of her 8 years age,most of her is in good condition and will benefit from a lot of TLC.That's where you folks will come in! With your indispensable knowledge and ideas.
We drove my Landcruiser form here early on Wednesday morning and then picked up the boat from a shipping yard at 8.30 on the Thursday morning. A quick jury rigging of the lights on the brand new All American Trailer ( you guys do some things different to us) and we were back on our way home. Cruising at 50 to 55 mph we got home today Friday at 4.30 pm. a total of 1750 miles in three days. The Grady(empty) is right on the allowable limit for the Toyota; she handled it very well ; the juice got used very quickly. Although nowhere as much as the 2 yammie 200's will use per hour.
I will get some photos of her out and about in tropical North Queensland around our islands and of course the Great Barrier Reef as soon as I get the trailer registered and everything up and running.
Is it just me or are there a lot more enquiries about the 265 model?
Mrs Grady are you listening?
Congrates on you newest addition!

Glad that trip went well!
I am sure it is a big load off you mind to see her in the driveway!
Cant wait to the pictures..... and more importanly, can wait to see the fish!!!!

Any questions feel free to ask!

You're going to love that boat!
That boat's going to turn heads down there!
good luck with it!
Awesome. A Grady Down Under too cool! The 265 is a great boat, pictures of a 265 trolling off the Reef are going to be WAY COOL!

Sent you a PM...
Congrats on the Grady! You will LOVE it!

I'm married to a Kiwi and travel to NZ once a year. Sure wish that I could take my Grady with me! However, on almost every trip there (Auckland), we'll see some model of a Grady there! One charter boat Captain uses an older Sailfish model for his commercial charters!

We'll be back down in about 8 weeks so I'll keep the camera ready for any Gradys that we might see.......

Post some photos of the 265!!
Best of luck, like those already said, don't hesitate to ask any questions!