30 express or 30 marlin.. which is better? here we go !


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2005
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I am looking at these two models for down the road. I want to purchase a used one but can't figure out which one would be a better choice.( I really like the transom on the express.) I like to cruise and stay overnight and also like to fish inshore and offshore. Have to keep the wife happy also. I'm sure someone out there has probably owned both models. any opinions would be appreciated. thanks
Your choices for a used 30 express will be slim....

If you want used you may have to go with the marlin.

I can tell you that my wife LOVES the Marlin and so do I. I have looked closely to the 305 at the boat shows, but still come back to the Marlin for overall, family compromise. We love the open and roomy helm area as well as the roomy cabin.

The easy access to the bow is also a big benefit to us. I appreciated that a lot when I had a 35lb amberjack on a spinner in the Bahamas this summer. It was easy to move to the bow as the fish moved foward. On the 305, that would have been tough......

To me, the 305 seems like a much smaller boat than the 300 Marlin.....
Both tremendous boats and similar.

For us, the walk around was more important than the 5-8 times a year we sleep on the boat.
They are both very nice boats built on the same hull. Each model has advantages. I believe someone here has a 2008 305 coming soon. The link to a rather lengthy discussion goes through many of the differences. In a nutshell the 305 has a larger helm deck with additional seating at the expense of some cockpit space. The 300 cabin is more finished and some additional features but the 300 seems to have more open space.

There was an almost new 305 in the Raleigh paper about one month ago. It was from Morehead City and only had around 25 hour or so. There are some very nice 300s for sale on BoatTrader.com. There was a major redesign in 2004 which has been summarized in another recent thread.

It will all come down to your needs but you cannot go wrong with either model.
You and I are in the same boat! :D

I've been looking at these two as well trying to decide. For me, kids come in to play (7,3,1) as well. I spent a good amount of time on each at the boat show.

I'm not sure why, but I also think the Marlin cabin feels bigger. Maybe its not as full of stuff... I don't know.

For me, I will only have a few overnights each year with the kids and maybe my wife so I think both are large enough. I really like the Marlin's access to the bow for fishing and for my kids. It adds another dimension for them as we will spend time anchored/rafted up where it is usable.

I didn't see any difference in the transoms, in fact I thought they were identical??? Maybe the pre-04 Marlin is different in that it doesn't have the drop down bench.

I do like the helm seating in the 305, but I like the overhead boxes/net in the Marlin.

I think for me it is the Marlin, now just have to figure out how to pay for it!!
We have been round and round on this. Do a search. Both fine, just depends what you are using them for.
express vs marlin

Finnadict , you are right about availability. wow ! there are tons of used Marlins on the market. also I got the transoms mixed up on the express with the 26 ft. I do like the setup they have on that boat. the marlin and the 30 express are the same or similar. When I'm ready to buy I will do another search but maybe the marlin will be the way to go. thanks again for your input.