360 Grady Express Powered with twin 350's


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May 6, 2018
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Any honest comments on a Grady 360 Express powered with twin 350's? I had a 360 with trip 250's and I was totally satisfied with the performance with these motors. Just wondering if anyone has hands on experience with the 360 powered with twin 350's?
Thanks ahead of time.
No direct experience but maybe some info. I know that the 250 shares that block with the 300 for a number of years. And I believe that recently the 350 has come to share that block. I have that block in the 250 model and have nothing but good things to say about it. Don't have any data on the new 350 but I would expect it to be good.

All that said, I've heard multiple people say that the older 350 model was something to avoid. Again, no personal data, just what I've heard.

If it were me, I'd at the very least, want a mechanic to scope those 350s and I'd be doing some research to see what the 350 problems were. If it is with the new 350, that's probably fine.
A bit more information is needed here as your post is kind of vague, but I'm guessing what you're really wanting to know is in regards to the top end speed and whether twin F350's will be underpowered or not? The second thing, and maybe this is an assumption on my part, but I'm assuming that you're referring to the older mid 2010's Yamaha F350's and not the new ones? If so, some models are known to have flywheel problems and some other issues as well, they were also pretty heavy and I believe weighed a little bit under 1k lbs a piece. As previously stated, some more information is needed here like the year of the vessel, years of the outboards, what specifically you're worried about, etc. Good luck either way and linked is another thread about the same topic of F350's on a 360 Express. They talk about fuel economy and numbers that are supposedly from the GW website as well as a few owners and their opinions on the boat/outboards.

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That boat will run high 20’s at cruise on the 350’s if you don’t push them. Low 30’s and you’ll be turning 4500-4700. As previously mentioned, series A 350’s (Pre-2012) were plagued with issues aside from the flywheel they all have an issue with (Covered for life by Yamaha), Series B - 2012 - 2015 had fewer issues but still la few glitches, and Series C 2016 - until; they stopped production were pretty much trouble free other than the flywheel replacements.
I think that it's a tad underpowered. You can put that package on a 30' hull today.